Trudeau a Washington, O’Toole: pugno di ferro contro il dissenso

TORONTO – Strada ancora in salita per Justin Trudeau ed Erin O’Toole, a pochi giorni dalla riapertura del parlamento federale. Il primo ministro è impegnato oggi nel vertice dei Leaders del North America – o summit dei Tre Amigos, come ormai è entrato nel gergo comune – a Washington con il presidente americano Joe Biden e con la controparte messicana Andrés Manuel López Obrador, mentre il leader conservatore deve fare i conti con la ribellione interna che punta al cambio della guida del Partito Conservatore… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Rissa a scuola: morto un 15enne, due feriti

TORONTO – Uno studente delle scuole superiori è morto dopo essere stato accoltellato durante una rissa scoppiata nella sua scuola: feriti altri due studenti del Victoria Park Collegiate Institute, situato vicino a Parkwoods Village Drive e Victoria Park Avenue a North York. L’autore dell’aggressione, 19 anni, è stato arrestato con l’accusa di omicidio di secondo grado: si tratta di Ahmed Rafin… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Covid: 12 morti in Ontario, uno aveva meno di 20 anni

TORONTO – Dodici decessi per Covid-19 nelle ultime ventiquattr’ore: fra i morti, anche una persona giovanissima, di età inferiore ai 20 anni, nell’area di Windsor-Essex (questo l’unico particolare fornito dal Ministero della Salute dell’Ontario). “Porgiamo le nostre più sentite condoglianze alla loro famiglia”, ha detto la portavoce del Ministero, Alexandra Hilkene. “Per rispetto della famiglia e della loro privacy in questo momento difficile, non condivideremo ulteriori dettagli del caso in questo momento”… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Comites, un flop annunciato. “Pochi iscritti a votare, colpa del governo italiano”

STOCCARDA – Si avvicinano le elezioni dei Comites, i Comitati degli Italiani all’Estero, ed emerge che sono in realtà pochi coloro che si sono iscritti per votare il prossimo 3 dicembre: per poter esercitare questo diritto era infatti necessario iscriversi entro il 3 novembre scorso e l’hanno fatto soltanto in 177.835 su un totale di 4.975.299 di iscritti all’Aire, l’Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all’Estero.  Continue reading

Brawl at Victoria Park Collegiate Institute: 15-year-old dead, two injured

TORONTO – A high school student died after being stabbed during a brawl that broke out at his school: two other students from the Victoria Park Collegiate Institute, located near Parkwoods Village Drive and Victoria Park Avenue in North York, were injured. The perpetrator of the attack, 19, was arrested on charges of second-degree murder: Ahmed Rafin.  Continue reading

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of November 17, 2021, at 4:00 pm EST.

On Wednesday, health officials in Russia logged 36,626 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 9.1 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 85.8% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, authorities have reported 1,247 Covid-related deaths for a total of 259,084 fatalities attributable to Covid-19.

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Trudeau in Washington. O’Toole: iron fist against dissent

TORONTO – Justin Trudeau and Erin O’Toole are still uphill, just days before the reopening of the federal parliament. The prime minister is engaged tomorrow in the summit of the Leaders of North America – or summit of the Three Amigos, as it has now entered the common jargon – in Washington with US President Joe Biden and with his Mexican counterpart Andrés Manuel López Obrador, while the conservative leader has to deal with the internal rebellion that aims to change the leadership of the Conservative Party.  Continue reading

Covid: 12 dead in Ontario, one was under 20 years old

TORONTO – Covid-19, twelve deaths in the last twenty-four hours: among the deads, even a very young person, under the age of 20, in the Windsor-Essex area (this is the only detail provided by the Ministry of Health of the Ontario). “We extend our deepest condolences to their family,” said Ministry spokeswoman Alexandra Hilkene. “Out of respect for the family and their privacy at this difficult time, we will not share further details of the case at this time.” The analysis of today’s data relating to the pandemic in Ontario opens with this tragic news. Continue reading

Catholics are integral to the preservation of Catholic education

The “debate” on educational issues at the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) is becoming as “toxic” and predictable as that at the TCDSB. Anti-Catholicism “woke” progressives seem determined to have their way, even if the Law says they cannot.

They spend a lot of money commissioning legal opinions – at Board expense – so they can have their way. It does not always work out. The “urgency” of letting a non-Catholic student trustee serve on the Board is a case in point.

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