“Attenti, siamo tornati nella quarta ondata”

TORONTO – “È giunto il momento di rivedere i limiti di capienza. Dopo un plateau nel numero delle infezioni la provincia è rientrata nella quarta ondata della pandemia”. Dal momento che i contagi di Covid-19 in Ontario tornano a salire il direttore del Science Advisory Table della provincia Peter Juni ha detto chiaro e tondo che, per evitare un peggioramento della situazione, sarebbe bene che il governo rivedesse innanzitutto alcuni limiti di capienza… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update for Covid-19 Cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of November 9, 2021, at 4:30 pm EST.

On Tuesday, health officials in Greece logged 8,613 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 800 thousand. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 89.2% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, authorities have reported 53 Covid-related deaths for a total of 16,414 fatalities attributable to Covid-19.

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Board Chair position up for grabs at the TCDSB

It is that time of year when the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) decides who will hold the position of Chair and Vice-Chair. Trustees will soon make that decision at the Board meeting on November 25. After serving two years as Board Chair, Joseph Martino confirmed to the Corriere that he will not seek the position.

However, the position is a sought after; several Trustees are vying for the spot. Continue reading

Ndp external support? The Liberals are now holding back

TORONTO – The possible Ndp external support to the government is a ‘’no go’’, at least for now. The hypothesis of an organic agreement between the Grit majority and the neo-democrats, which in recent days has been discussed on several occasions, was rejected by the group leader in the Liberal House, who branded the rumors of the negotiation as simple “speculation”.  Continue reading

Negotiation continues between Liberals and Ndp

TORONTO – An external support of the NDP to Justin Trudeau that guarantees the survival of the government for at least two to three years. It is on this possible outcome that the Liberals and Neo-Democrats are working exactly two weeks after the first session of the federal parliament since the last elections on 20 September. Yesterday the respective parliamentary groups met for the first time and behind closed doors the pros and cons of the potential agreement between the forces of the Canadian center-left were examined.  Continue reading

L’italiano a Toronto: la lunga storia dei giornali

TORONTO – Con un certo orgoglio, il giornale che avete ora tra le mani (o sullo schermo…) esibisce in prima pagina la sua data di fondazione, il 1954… una lunga vita. Tuttavia, a Toronto, quotidiani e, soprattutto, settimanali nella nostra lingua circolavano già durante i primi decenni del Novecento, esprimendo la vivacità della comunità italiana anche tramite quelli che erano allora gli unici mezzi di comunicazione… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>