Draghi relaunches the Italian role on the global stage

TORONTO – Mario Draghi relaunches Italy’s role on the world stage. The G20 Summit, held in Rome over the weekend, was the first global meeting that saw the presence of the Greats of the Earth since the beginning of the pandemic. And the summit, despite some setbacks, ended with substantial success, with the climate agreement that brought together all the main international players and, on the sidelines, with the agreement between the European Union and the United States on aluminum and steel that puts an end to mutual tariffs and the trade war that broke out during the Trump administration.  Continue reading

Covid-19 in Ontario, more than three thousand cases still active

TORONTO – 340 new cases of Covid-19 and 2 other deaths, today, in Ontario. All in all a positive figure, given that there were 419 cases on Friday and 356 on Saturday: after a few days of ascent, therefore, the infections seem to return to decline. The seven-day moving average is now 349, down from Saturday (353). The provincial laboratories processed 25,707 test samples, so the positivity rate is 1.7%.  Continue reading

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of October 30, 2021, at 4:45 pm EST.

On Saturday, health officials in Poland logged 9,798 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 3 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 89.5% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, authorities have reported 115 Covid-related deaths for a total of 76,990 fatalities attributable to Covid-19.

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Alarm at the halfway house in Caledonia: ambulances, police and firefighters on the spot

TORONTO – Alarm at the halfway house “Fred Victor Bethlehem United Shelter” in Caledonia Road, where eight crews of the Toronto Police, three ambulances and a vehicle of the firefighters were brought a few minutes ago. According to what has been learned, inside the structure – which houses homeless people, people in discomfort and former prisoners – there would have been a dispute that ended badly. As of this writing, on-site investigations are ongoing.

(Photo credit: CNMNG News)

Allarme alla halfway house di Caledonia: ambulanze, polizia e vigili del fuoco sul posto

TORONTO – Allarme alla halfway house “Fred Victor Bethlehem United Shelter” in Caledonia Road, dove pochi minuti fa si sono portati otto equipaggi della Polizia di Toronto, tre ambulanze e un mezzo dei vigili del fuoco. Stando a quanto appreso, all’interno della struttura – che ospita senzatetto, persone in condizioni di disagio ed ex detenuti  – si sarebbe verificata una lite finita male. Mentre scriviamo, sono in corso indagini sul posto.

(Photo credit: CNMNG News)