Ontario, contagi e ricoveri tornano a calare

TORONTO – Meno di 400 nuovi casi di Covid-19 e 1 decesso: sono i dati registrati ieri in Ontario, abbastanza rassicuranti visto che i contagi segnalati sono 370, in calo rispetto ai 373 di sabato ed ai 443 di una settimana fa. La media mobile su sette giorni di nuovi casi è quindi scesa a 379, in netto calo rispetto a domenica scorsa quando era 465. Con 25.328 test elaborati nelle ultime 24 ore, l’Ontario riporta un tasso di positività dell’1,2%, in calo rispetto all’1,4% di sette giorni fa… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of October 24, 2021, at 4:45 pm EST.

On Sunday, health officials in Russia logged 35,660 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 8.2 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 86.9% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 1,072, bringing the total number of fatalities to 230,600.

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Ontario, the lifting of anti-Covid-19 restrictions kicks off tomorrow

TORONTO – As expected, on Friday Doug Ford presented the plan that will decree Ontario’s exit from Phase 3 with the revocation of all remaining public health measures, including the green pass and the obligation of indoor masks by March 2022. The first step towards pre-Covid-19 normality comes into force tomorrow: capacity limits are no longer in most facilities where proof of vaccination is required, including restaurants, sports facilities and indoor gyms, casinos, bingo halls and indoor spaces for meetings and events. Places of worship, museums, and personal care facilities such as barbershops and salons can also eliminate capacity limits if they require proof of vaccination.  Continue reading

Totoministri, everything is ready for the new Federal Government

TORONTO – New faces, confirmations, and surprises. The composition of the new federal government is now done, whose members will be s swear tomorrow morning before Governor General Mary Simon and will immediately get to work after this long break from the vote of last September 20. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, for this third Cabinet, has promised that there will be a substantial gender balance and that, as in the past, all the provinces of Canada will have representation in the government team.  Continue reading

Rogers, “poisonous relations”: the family feud continues

TORONTO – “Fratelli coltelli”. Or, if you prefer, “Parenti serpenti”. These are the titles of two Italian comedies of the 90s that are well suited to the squalid show that the members of the Rogers family, owners of the homonymous telecommunications giant, are giving, publicly. In English we could translate those titles like “Dearest Relatives, Poisonous Relations”, to say that in the Rogers family there is a real feud that has also ended up on social media, in particular on Twitter where Martha Rogers, director of Rogers Communications, asked her brother Edward to “resign”. But let’s take a step back. Continue reading

O folclore está (rá) de volta!?

(Revista Amar / Laurentino Esteves) Numa sexta-feira, ao início da noite, cerca de meia centena de jovens, crianças e alguns adultos do grupo ensaiavam no parque de estacionamento do clube. À média luz e já com o vento de outono, observava todos aqueles jovens empolgados a dançar folclore (podiam estar a fazer outra coisa) mas, ali estavam atentos aos conselhos da ensaiadora Nancy Vieira. O ritmo era composto por dois jovens à concertina – o Miguel e o Mário Pereira! Eu estava que nem um peixinho na água a ver os elementos a dançar, moda após moda, com a ajuda da diretora do grupo Angie Camara que me adiantou que o mesmo foi fundado em 1987 e que desde então têm representado o clube em muitos eventos, incluindo festivais de folclore e, claro, no “Carassauga”. Para meu espanto dançaram a “Chula Vareira”, uma moda da minha linda Póvoa de Varzim… por momentos esqueci-me das agruras da vida! … Read More in Revista Amar >>>