School, Minister Elliott: “Our weapon is vaccines”

TORONTO – Hope, to eradicate Covid-19 among children, is placed in the vaccine. This was reiterated today – just a day after Pfizer formally asked Health Canada to approve its vaccine for use in children between the ages of five and 11 – by Health Minister Christine Elliott. As soon as the green light arrives, Elliott said clearly, we will be “ready to go”: “We are actively working with public health units to draw up a plan for the administration of the vaccine, we will be ready – as soon as it is approved by Health Canada – to distribute it and make it available to children throughout the province – said the minister – I know that parents are worried but they do not have to be because we will be ready, we are actively working on this and are in the process of finalizing the plan right now.”  Continue reading

Ontario, Covid-19 cases and positivity are still dropping

TORONTO – 328 infections today, 373 Monday, 443 Sunday: the descent of the Covid-19 infections in Ontario continues. And the positivity rate drops: today 20,800 tests were processed against 20,432 on Monday and the positivity fell further from 1.8% to 1.5%. The moving average of new daily cases calculated over seven days also falls, from 416 to 407 today (a week ago it was at 525).  Continue reading

Elections in Ontario, we will have a long election campaign

TORONTO – Let’s fasten our seat belts and get ready: in Ontario we will have to see a very long election campaign. Which, incidentally, has already begun a few weeks ago, from September 21 to be precise, the day after the federal elections. Pounding commercials on TV, radio, on the Internet and on social media, announcements on unlikely investments, promises, pacts with voters, plans for the future, slogans, all seasoned with accusations, controversies and poisons: June 2, 2022 is a date still far away, but already in recent weeks we have had a taste of what, willy-nilly, is waiting for us.  Continue reading

Leader in difficoltà: Trudeau dai Tk’emlúps, O’Toole nodo vaccini

TORONTO – Prosegue la via crucis post elettorale per Justin Trudeau ed Erin O’Toole. Il primo ministro in pectore e il leader del Partito Conservatore continuano a dover fare i conti con le debolezze e le contraddizioni emerse nelle ultime settimane, in vista del giuramento del nuovo governo il prossimo 26 ottobre e il riavvio dei lavori parlamentari in programma il 22 novembre… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

La lettera all’Halton Catholic Board of Education

TORONTO – Il nostro quotidiano copre diversi argomenti e problemi relativi all’istruzione che emergono dai consigli scolastici di tutta la provincia. Una di queste questioni è quella di un rapporto di 36 pagine intitolato “Investigation into Conduct during Board Meetings” presso l’Halton Catholic District School Board (nella foto, Patrick Murphy, Chair of the Board) … Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Un nuovo ospedale per Windsor-Essex

WINDSOR – Un nuovo ospedale per Windsor-Essex: il governo dell’Ontario investe 9,8 milioni di dollari per sostenere la pianificazione di una struttura per acuti all’avanguardia a Windsor e nella contea di Essex e, una volta completato, il nuovo ospedale aggiungerà letti e servizi per la regione, per garantire alle famiglie residenti l’accesso a cure di alta qualità quando e dove ne hanno bisogno… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>