Braccio di ferro ottici-governo, ancora nessun accordo

TORONTO – Il braccio di ferro tra gli ottici dell’Ontario e il governo provinciale continua senza alcun accordo all’orizzonte. Dal 1 ° settembre, quasi il 95% dei 2.500 optometristi della provincia hanno smesso di effettuare esami oculistici di routine assicurati dall’OHIP per le persone di età inferiore ai 20 anni, agli anziani di oltre 65 anni e alle persone con disabilità… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Green pass, da oggi tutti possono scaricare l’app

TORONTO – Da oggi tutti i residenti dell’Ontario vaccinati contro il Covid-19 potranno scaricare il nuovo codice QR online. Già da venerdì la provincia ha reso possibile il download in base al mese di nascita: il 15 ottobre è stata la volta dei nati da gennaio ad aprile, il 16 di quelli venuti alla luce da maggio ad agosto e ieri, infine di quelli che festeggiano il compleanno da settembre a dicembre. Dalle 6 di questa mattina, infine, tutti – indistintamente dal mese di nascita – possono scaricare il proprio certificato vaccinale con il codice ufficiale QR. “Questo è per i business e le organizzazioni affinché possano scansionare il codice QR messo a disposizione delle persone”, ha detto la portavoce del premier Ford Ivana Yelich… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Ontario: i casi attivi scendono sotto i 4mila, oltre 6mila in Quebec

TORONTO – L’Ontario resta sotto i 500 casi giornalieri di Covid-19: ieri ne sono stati registrati 443, mentre sabato erano stati 486 e venerdì 496. La media mobile di sette giorni è ora pari a 465, in netto calo rispetto ad una settimana fa (538). Secondo i dati diffusi dal Ministero della Salute, 231 dei casi di ieri riguardano persone non vaccinate, 20 con una sola dose, 155 completamente vaccinate e 37 con uno stato di vaccinazione sconosciuto. 128 casi, inoltre, hanno coinvolto persone di età pari o inferiore a 19 anni… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of October 17, 2021, at 4:40 pm EST.

On Sunday, health officials in the UK logged 45,140 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 8.4 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 81.9% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 57, bringing the total number of fatalities to 138,584.

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Green pass in Ontario, from tomorrow everyone can download the app

TORONTO – From tomorrow all Ontario residents vaccinated against Covid-19 will be able to download the new QR code online. Already on Friday the province made it possible to download according to the month of birth: on October 15th it was the turn of those born from January to April, on the 16th of those born from May to August and today, finally of those who celebrate their birthday from September to December. From 6 this morning, finally, everyone – regardless of the month of birth – can download their vaccination certificate with the official QR code. “This is for businesses and organizations to scan the QR code made available to people,” said Ford Premier spokeswoman Ivana Yelich. Continue reading

Trudeau to unveil new cabinet October 26, clash and controversy over delays

TORONTO – The controversy over the long and troubled process of forming the new government is not over. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that the swearing-in of the new members of the executive will take place on October 26, while the first session of the House of Commons with the deputies elected in the September 20 elections has been scheduled for November 22. The roadmap set by the Liberal leader did not please the opposition, who denounced the delays and stigmatized the timing desired by Trudeau.  Continue reading

No end in sight to Ontario Optometrists’ job action

The stand-off between Ontario’s optometrists and the provincial government continues with no end in sight. Since September 1, nearly 95% of the province’s 2,500 optometrists have stopped performing OHIP-funded services for people under the age of 20, seniors aged 65 and over and individuals on disability.

Earlier this month, the Ontario government offered a one-time payment of $39 million to indicate a “starting point” in support of optometrists and to further discussions along. A spokesperson from the Ministry of Health (MOH) told the Corriere that, “payments will flow to optometrists across Ontario on October 15”.

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