Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of October 14, 2021, at 5:20 pm EST.

On Thursday, health officials in the UK logged 45,066 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 8.3 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 81.8% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 157, bringing the total number of fatalities to 138,237.

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Alberta: ‘only’ 652 infections. But the positives are above 14 thousand. Negative record for Saskatchewan

EDMONTON – 652 new cases of Covid-19 in Alberta and, above all, 38 deaths which bring the total number of victims, in the province, from the beginning of the pandemic to 2,901. These are the data from Wednesday, which for the number of deaths represent a negative record: the figure in fact equals that recorded on 12 January for the majority of deaths reported in a single day. Continue reading

Post election standby, Cabinet still in limbo

TORONTO – Twenty-five days after the federal elections, the new Government is still in limbo. At this stage Prime Minister in pectore Justin Trudeau is busy completing the complicated puzzle, sifting through and weighing the pros and cons for every single box in his future executive. It is a long and delicate operation, where the factor of merit – although important – is oversight by other elements, such as geographical origin, belonging to a certain ethnic group, gender.  Continue reading

Ontario: 417 new Covid-cases but the positivity rate drops

TORONTO – Covid-19 in Ontario: 417 new cases today, a slight increase compared to the previous day (306) but also below the seven-day average. In addition, 35,421 tests were processed in the previous 24 hours (and another 18,914 are being processed), while yesterday there were far fewer: 23,219. The positivity to the test, therefore, drops to 1.5%. Yesterday (and last week) it was 1.7%.  Continue reading

Transparency and trust, values with less weight at the TCDSB

Some of the most valued drivers of human behaviour include family, community, trust[worthiness] and education. The last two can have a significant impact on society as a whole. Families, who entrust their children to the publicly funded education system expect a level of transparency and trust[worthiness] from those responsible for delivering a quality education in a safe environment.

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“Need for Speed” nipponico

Se ci sono due paesi che, pur essendo stati in alcuni momenti storici “alleati”, non si sono mai capiti, questi sono l’Italia e il Giappone. Forse fu colpa di Madama Butterfly, l’opera di Giacomo Puccini, definita nello spartito e nel libretto “tragedia giapponese” e dedicata alla regina d’Italia Elena di Montenegro. Fu certamente una tragedia per Puccini, un disastro totale, almeno la prima rappresentazione al Teatro alla Scala di Milano, nel febbraio 1904… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

L’Italiano a Toronto. Una storia da percorrere lunga quasi centocinquant’anni

TORONTO – A Toronto basta percorrere qualche grande viale (per esempio, St Clair West o College street), oppure fare una passeggiata in qualche strada secondaria (scelgo a caso, nei dintorni del mio quartiere, Oakwood street) per ritrovarsi di fronte a insegne in italiano: nomi di ristoranti, bar, chiese, targhe per celebrità locali, uffici, etc. … Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Il Nobel per la letteratura è irreperibile in Italia

TORONTO – Mentre si festeggia l’assegnazione a Giorgio Parisi del premio Nobel per la fisica, l’Italia è presa in contropiede dalla scelta dell’Accademia svedese per quanto riguarda la letteratura: a sorpresa, infatti, il Premio è stato assegnato al romanziere tanzaniano Abdulrazak Gurnah (nella foto). La notizia è stata accolta con qualche perplessità; in tanti, anche nell’industria culturale, si sono domandati come Don Abbondio: Abdulrazak Gurnah, chi era costui? Nato a Zanzibar, a diciotto anni Gurnah emigra nel Regno Unito; di madrelingua shawili, per le sue opere sceglie di esprimersi in inglese. Oltre alla produzione letteraria, è anche professore di letteratura inglese e postcoloniale; i suoi romanzi sono di ispirazione autobiografica, esplorando temi quali l’emigrazione e l’identità… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>