Ontario sotto i 150 pazienti ICU dopo due mesi

TORONTO – 587 nuovi casi di Covid-19, ieri, in Ontario: le infezioni segnano un aumento rispetto ai 476 contagi registrati mercoledì (su 39.460 test) ed ai 429 di martedì(su 25.441 test). Con circa 37.000 test elaborati nelle ultime 24 ore, il tasso di positività della provincia è di circa l’1,7 per cento, come l’altro ieri. La media mobile su sette giorni dei casi giornalieri ora si attesta a circa 565, comunque in calo rispetto ai circa 574 della settimana precedente… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Federal leaders in identity crisis: the weakness of our ruling class

TORONTO – The elections usually start a new political era: the last chapter of a political season ends and a new phase begins. The federal elections of September 20 is an exception, because they were not able to resolve either the contradictions of a weak government, supported by a fragile minority in the House, nor the ineffectiveness and instability of the opposition, on which Prime Minister in pectore Justin Trudeau built his political fortunes.  Continue reading

The food waste problem and the offending culprits

Food is essential to our survival. With food prices on the rise, roughly two out of five Canadians have altered their behaviour when shopping for groceries, all in an effort to save money. While it costs more to feed our families, it may also cause us to reflect on how much food we waste.

According to the United Nation’s Environment Programme (UNEP) Food Waste Index Report 2021, it is estimated that on a global level, food waste totals 931 million tonnes (Mt) annually. Continue reading

Alberta, infections in 756 schools and 8.27% positivity

EDMONTON – 1,263 cases of Covid-19 and 26 deaths in just twenty-four hours and infections in 756 schools: few numbers that give a good idea of ​​how serious the situation in Alberta is. The new infections, detected on Wednesday on 15,400 tests analyzed, bring the positive rate of the province to 8.27%, slightly lower but still very high compared to the other provinces of Canada (that of Ontario, to give an idea, today was 1.7%).  Continue reading

Esce “Eremita d’amore” di Sal Marchese: non solo una canzone

AGRIGENTO – È online da oggi, 7 ottobre, sui canali ufficiali Vevo, Facebook ed Instagram dell’artista, nonché sulle varie piattaforme di musica digitale, il brano musicale ed il video clip “Eremita d’amore” del cantautore siciliano Salvatore “Sal” Marchese (nella foto). Il musicista, che si definisce di “anima isolana e di mente internazionale”, ha realizzato un vero e proprio inno all’amore che parte da quello profano ed arriva a quello sacro. Continue reading

Se estrena “Eremita d’amore” de Sal Marchese: no sólo una canción

AGRIGENTO – Está online desde hoy, 7 de octubre, en los canales oficiales de Vevo, Facebook e Instagram del artista, así como en las distintas plataformas de música digital, la pieza musical y el videoclip “Eremita d’amore” (Ermitaño de amor) del cantautor siciliano Salvatore “Sal” Marchese (en la foto). El artista, que se define a sí mismo como un “alma isleña y una mente internacional”, ha realizado un verdadero himno al amor que parte de lo profano y llega a lo sagrado.  Continue reading

Sortie de “Eremita d’amore”  de Sal Marchese: pas seulement une chanson

AGRIGENTO –  Á partir d’aujourd’hui 7 octobre sur les chaînes officielles Vevo, Facebook et Instagram de l’artiste, ainsi que sur les différentes plateformes de musique digital, est en ligne la pièce musicale et le clip vidéo “Eremita d’amore” (“Hermit d’amour”) de l’auteur-compositeur-interprète sicilien Salvatore “Sal” Marchese (dans l’image). L’artiste, qui se définit comme “une âme insulaire et un esprit international”, a réalisé un véritable hymne à l’amour qui part du profane et arrive au sacré.  Continue reading

“Eremita d’amore” by Sal Marchese has been released: not just a song

AGRIGENTO – The song and the video clip “Eremita d’amore” (“Hermit of love”) by the Sicilian singer-songwriter Salvatore “Sal” Marchese (in the pic) is online from today 7th October, on the official Vevo, Facebook and Instagram channels of the artist, as well as on the various digital music platforms. The artist, who defines himself as an “island soul and an international mind”, has made a real hymn to love that starts from the profane and gets to the sacred one.  Continue reading