রোমানিয়া সীমান্তে বাংলাদেশিসহ ১৫ অভিবাসনপ্রত্যাশী আটক

(Shomporko সম্পর্ক) অবৈধভাবে হাঙ্গেরিতে প্রবেশের সময় রোমানিয়া সীমান্ত থেকে বাংলাদেশিসহ ১৫ অভিবাসনপ্রত্যাশীকে আটক করা হয়েছে। এরা সবাই ট্রাকে করে সীমান্ত পার হওয়ার চেষ্টা করছিল। বুধবার (৬ অক্টোবর) রোমানিয়ার আরাদ সীমান্ত পুলিশ এমন তথ্য জানিয়েছে … Read More in Shomporko >>> 

Obbligo vaccino per i viaggiatori e per tutti i dipendenti pubblici

TORONTO – Nuovo giro di vite a livello federale sull’obbligo vaccinale. A partire dal 30 ottobre tutti i dipendenti pubblici e chi viaggia in aereo, in treno o in nave dovranno essere vaccinati contro il Covid-19. Ad annunciare la svolta è stato ieri il primo ministro Justin Trudeau e la sua vice Christya Freeland, dando seguito a un provvedimento che era già stato presentato durante la campagna elettorale che ha preceduto il voto del 20 settembre… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Ontario, il tasso di positività scende ancora

TORONTO – I funzionari sanitari dell’Ontario hanno segnalato, ieri, 476 nuovi casi di Covid-19, oltre a 14 decessi. Il conteggio dei contagi arriva dopo che in Ontario erano state registrate 429 nuove infezioni martedì, 511 lunedì, 580 domenica e 704 sabato. La media mobile su sette giorni dell’Ontario è quindi ora pari a 573, in calo rispetto ai 610 della scorsa settimana, ed è in costante diminuzione… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Chi è responsabile? Lecce dichiara guerra a verità e conseguenze

TORONTO – Cominciamo con responsabilità e trasparenza, due parole il cui significato nelle mani degli spin doctor può essere trasformato in fastidiose, particelle alfabetiche sconnesse. Ci sono due dipartimenti (Ministeri) del governo provinciale i cui bilanci combinati rappresentano la maggior parte delle spese governative. Sono la Sanità e l’Istruzione. Questo non dovrebbe sorprendere nessuno. Abbiamo tutti bisogno dei servizi del sistema educativo o dei servizi ospedalieri/medici. Insegnanti, infermieri, medici, amministratori, scuole, ospedali… tutti costano soldi… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of October 6, 2021, at 4:45 pm EST.

On Wednesday, health officials in the UK logged 39,851 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 8 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 81.5% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 143, bringing the total number of fatalities to 137,295.

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Ontario, the positivity rate drops again

TORONTO – Ontario health officials today reported 476 new cases of Covid-19 and 14 deaths. The contagion count comes after 429 new infections were recorded in Ontario on Tuesday, 511 on Monday, 580 on Sunday and 704 on Saturday. Ontario’s seven-day moving average is now 573, down from last week’s 610, and is steadily declining. But the good news is another: 39,460 tests were processed today, so many more than Tuesday (when there were 25,441), but despite this the cases remain well below 500, so the positivity rate still falls, from 1.8 percent to 1.7 percent.  Continue reading

Air passengers and federal public servants must be vaccinated by end of October

TORONTO – New federal crackdown on mandatory vaccination. Starting from October 30, all civil servants and those traveling by plane, train or ship aged 12 and over will have to be vaccinated against Covid-19. The turning point was announced today by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his deputy Christya Freeland, following a measure that had already been presented during the electoral campaign that preceded the vote on September 20.  Continue reading

Consumers forced to adapt as food prices increase

Your next trip to the supermarket may find you spending more than what you used to spend for your grocery needs. As the cost of living increases, nearly everything goes up in price, including the cost of food.

It may be more challenging for households to manage their food budget. For instance, Statistics Canada reported the cost of food grew 2.7% in August, up from the same time last year. Continue reading