Covid-19: quando immunizzarsi potrebbe non bastare

TORONTO – Circa 7.000 americani e 450 canadesi che erano completamente vaccinati sono morti di Covid-19. Fra gli americani, ha impressionato la scomparsa di Colin Powell, l’ex segretario di Stato, morto lunedì per complicazioni dovute al Covid-19 nonostante fosse completamente vaccinato. Una notizia che ha fatto il giro del mondo e che ha dato il “la” agli esperti per spiegare perché questo può accadere e per ribadire che la morte di un vaccinato rimane un evento raro e che fare il vaccino è estremamente importante in quanto protegge se stessi e gli altri dalla malattia… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Donna, una parola che non tramonta mai

TORONTO – Se quanto segue suona come “polemica di carattere politico”, state tranquilli che non è mia intenzione essere o sembrare di parte. Alcune cose sono così palesemente assurde che anche il meno istruito tra noi dovrebbe capirne il senso. Il nostro giornale si occupa di riportare notizie, fornire un minimo di analisi obiettiva e commentare questioni di interesse generale. Occasionalmente, ci concediamo pezzi di opinione incentrati su “personalità che sono sotto i riflettori pubblici” perché hanno un ruolo pubblicamente assegnato, che offre loro meriti o critiche in base a come adempiono ai loro obblighi nei confronti del pubblico… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of October 20, 2021, at 5:45 pm EST.

On Wednesday, health officials in the US logged 50,150 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 46 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 77.7% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 1,273, bringing the total number of fatalities to 750,068.

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Fabricated issues designed to distract

If this comes across as “political”, rest assured it is not my intention to be or appear to be partisan. Some things are so blatantly absurd that even the least educated among us ought to see the point. Our paper is in the business of reporting news, providing a modicum of objective analysis and commenting on matters of general interest. Occasionally, we will indulge in opinion pieces focusing on “personalities who are in the public limelight” because they have a publicly mandated role, which affords them merit or criticism based on how they discharge their obligations to the public.  Continue reading

Galo gigante de Barcelos inaugurado no Little Portugal em Toronto

(Revista Amar / Joana Leal) A partir de agora a Dundas West tem um Galo de Barcelos gigante. Esse é um dos símbolos mais conhecidos da cultura portuguesa, mas a partir de agora pode encontrá-lo aqui em Toronto no Little Portugal. Inserido no ano da arte pública, o objetivo da iniciativa da autarquia de Toronto que envolve mais de 15,000 artistas é celebrar a arte e a comunidade. “Nenhum grupo sofreu mais durante a pandemia do que os nossos artistas. Eles não tiveram a oportunidade de fazer aquilo que mais gostam, quer seja dançar, cantar, atuar, ou fazer arte visual. O nosso programa destina-se a ajudá-los a mostrar-nos o que são capazes de fazer”, disse o presidente da Câmara Municipal de Toronto (CMT), John Tory… Read More in Revista Amar >>> 

প্রশংসিত মিঠুনের দত্তক কন‌্যা

(Shomporko সম্পর্ক) ভারতের জনপ্রিয় অভিনেতা মিঠুন চক্রবর্তী। ভারতীয় বাংলা সিনেমা ইন্ডাস্ট্রি যেমন শাসন করেছেন, তেমনি বলিউডেও নিজের মেধার স্বাক্ষর রেখেছেন। বাবার পথ ধরে অভিনয়ে নাম লেখিয়েছেন তার দত্তক কন‌্যা দিশানি। এবার মঞ্চনাটকে অভিনয়ে করে প্রশংসা কুড়ালেন তিনি। অস্কার পুরস্কারপ্রাপ্ত মার্কিন অভিনেতা আল পাচিনো তার ভূয়সি প্রশংসা করেছেন … Read More in Shomporko >>> 

Parliament imposes mandatory vaccination for the MPs

TORONTO – Crossfire on Erin O’Toole. In the last twenty-four hours, two other knots have emerged that will have to be dissolved and that directly concern the leader of the Conservative Party: the decision to make the vaccination obligation mandatory for MPs who want to enter the House of Commons and the analysis of the internal review of the party that will focus on the role of Maxime Bernier and his People’s Party in the defeat suffered last September 20 in the federal elections.  Continue reading