Si fa il surf! L’imperativo Tofino

TORONTO – Cosa succede quando si provoca consapevolmente o inavvertitamente un brutto colpo per la propria immagine. I tuoi nemici gongoleranno di gioia. I tuoi amici soffriranno di stupore, quando quel momento “non si sa come né quando” accadrà per lavare via tutta la tua eredità e lasciarti con “quella macchia” che definirà per sempre te e la tua reputazione duramente guadagnata … se è importante… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Case di cura in Ontario, obbligo vaccinale per lo staff

TORONTO – Il governo dell’Ontario ci ripensa. Dopo i ripetuti no all’obbligo di vaccinazione per i dipendenti delle case di cura a lunga degenza della provincia, nel fine settimana ha annunciato che tutti gli operatori delle LTC dovranno essere immunizzati contro il Covid-19 entro il 15 novembre. I test rapidi, che finora consentivano al personale non vaccinato, di lavorare in queste strutture, vengono accantonati per far posto all’immunizzazione contro il Covid-19… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Alberta, la lotta al virus ormai è una lotteria

EDMONTON – Continua l’emergenza in Alberta: 1.630 i nuovi casi di Covid-19 registrati venerdì (e 14 decessi) rilevati su 15.857 test, con un tasso di positività intorno al 10,52%. I casi attivi hanno visto un leggero calo rispetto all’aggiornamento di giovedì; sono ora 20.215 i casi attivi in ​​provincia. Ecco la suddivisione territoriale: Zona di Edmonton 5.080, Zona di Calgary 4.834, Zona nord 4.015, Zona centrale 3.995, Zona sud 2.273 (zona sconosciuta 18)… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of October 3, 2021, at 4:45 pm EST.

On Sunday, health officials in the UK logged 30,439 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 4.9 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 81.2% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 43, bringing the total number of fatalities to 136,953.

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Ford government yields: vaccination obligation for LTC staff

TORONTO – The Ontario government is rethinking it. After repeated no to the vaccination obligation for employees of Long-Term Care homes in the province, over the weekend he announced that all LTC operators will have to be immunized against Covid-19 by November 15. Rapid tests, which until now allowed unvaccinated staff to work in these facilities, are being shelved to make way for immunization against Covid-19.  Continue reading

Doug Ford’s Agenda between Covid, elections and economic recovery

TORONTO – Pandemic, health, economic recovery, return from the deficit, with the thought turned to the provincial vote next June. There is great expectation at Queen’s Park where this morning at 9 am the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario Elizabeth Dowdeswell will illustrate the new agenda of the Ford government with the Speech from the Throne. The appointment, which coincides with the resumption of parliamentary work after the summer break, is seen as a key step of the Conservative executive for various reasons.  Continue reading

Alberta, the fight against the virus is a lottery

EDMONTON – The emergency in Alberta continues: 1,630 new cases of Covid-19 registered on Friday (and 14 deaths) detected on 15,857 tests, with a positive rate of around 10.52%. Active cases saw a slight drop from Thursday’s update; there are now 20,215 active cases in the province. Here is the territorial subdivision: Edmonton zone 5,080, Calgary zone 4,834, North zone 4,015, Central zone 3,995, South zone 2,273 (unknown zone 18).  Continue reading