Ontario, i contagi scendono ancora: ieri 613

TORONTO – Per il terzo giorno consecutivo l’Ontario ha segnalato meno di 700 nuove infezioni da Covid-19 e la media mobile di sette giorni dei casi giornalieri continua a diminuire. I funzionari sanitari hanno infatti registrato, ieri, 613 nuovi casi, segnando una leggera diminuzione rispetto ai 654 di domenica, ai 640 di sabato e ai 727 di venerdì. La media giornaliera è ora 621 (la scorsa settimana era 710). E con circa 22.600 test elaborati nelle ultime 24 ore, il tasso di positività della provincia resta fermo al 2%, come domenica. Inoltre, ieri non sono stati segnalati nuovi decessi… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

16 Italian Canadians elected in the House of Commons

TORONTO – Sixteen elected, distributed in the main federal parties, three new faces. These are the data relating to the candidates of Italian origin who managed to win the seat in the last federal elections on September 20th. Nine MPs were elected from the ranks of the Liberal Party, five with the Conservative Party, one in the NDP and the Bloc Quebecois. At the provincial level, the largest representation continues to be in Ontario, with nine MP winning their respective electoral race, while five Italian Canadians are elected in Quebec. In British Columbia, finally, we find two new parliamentarians expression of our community, both at the first experience at the House of Commons.  Continue reading

Ontario and Quebec, the infections continue to decline

TORONTO – For the third consecutive day, Ontario has reported fewer than 700 new Covid-19 infections and the seven-day moving average of daily cases continues to decline. Health officials in fact recorded 613 new cases today, marking a slight compared to 654 on Sunday, 640 on Saturday and 727 on Friday. The daily average is now 621 (last week it was 710). And with about 22,600 tests processed in the last 24 hours, the provincial positivity rate remains steady at 2%, like Sunday. Furthermore, no new deaths were reported today.  Continue reading

Emerging trends in the job market

The creation of new jobs is an essential part of a growing economy. In the wake of Covid-19, the job market remains in state of recovery. Its progress is largely dependent on the trajectory of the public health situation and emerging job trends.

While it is important to identify emerging trends that may positively impact economic growth, it is also essential to understand which jobs are in decline so as not to get stuck in a career that goes nowhere.

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“La Cucina ai Tempi di Dante” con il Comitato Italiano per il Patrimonio e la Cultura di New York

NEW YORK – L’eredità di Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) è stata commemorata il 14 settembre, data della sua morte nel 1321, con due grandi eventi a New York, continuando le celebrazioni del “Dante 700”. Il sole ha brillato intensamente sulla statua di Dante al Lincoln Center di New York City per la ridedicazione della scultura in bronzo, la più grande nelle dimensioni realizzata da Ettore Ximenes, raffigurante il grande poeta e filosofo, autore della Divina Commedia. La scultura è alta più di 25 piedi, una figura imponente che si addice a Dante e al suo monumentale contributo all’umanità. Continue reading

তুরস্কে বাংলাদেশিসহ ২৫৪ জন অভিবাসন প্রত্যাশী আটক

(Shomporko সম্পর্ক) বাংলাদেশিসহ ২৫৪ জন অভিবাসন প্রত্যাশীকে আটক করা হয়েছে তুরস্কে। অবৈধ পথে ইউরোপ যাওয়ার সময় তাদেরকে আটক করা হয়। রোববার (২৬ সেপ্টেম্বর) তুর্কি বার্তা সংস্থা আনাদোলু এমন তথ্য জানিয়েছে … Read More in Shomporko >>> 

L’impegno del Carpenters’ Union per le forze armate

TORONTO – È stato in una bella mattina autunnale che Durval Terceira, coordinatore sindacale locale per Local 1030, sabato scorso è partito per la marcia annuale di raccolta fondi a sostegno di Renos for Heroes (R4H). Nonostante gli organizzatori dell’iniziativa abbiano dovuto spostare l’evento al formato virtuale per il secondo anno a causa della pandemia, ciò non ha scoraggiato il suo impegno a sostenere i veterani militari del Canada per conto del Carpenters’ District Council of Ontario… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>