Candidati bocciati, tanto vale votare per quello “morto”

TORONTO – Il 3 novembre 2020 il repubblicano David Andahl vinse le elezioni per un seggio nell’assemblea legislativa del North Dakota. Gli elettori gli assegnarono il 36 per cento delle preferenze, sufficienti al candidato per vincere le elezioni. E questo nonostante che Andahl fosse morto di Covid un mese prima, il 5 ottobre. L’elettorato, pur di non votare gli altri candidati, preferì eleggere chi era già passato a miglior vita… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Dopo Meng liberi anche Kovrig e Spavor

TORONTO – Tre lunghi anni ma ora l’incubo è finito. Qualche ora dopo la liberazione di Meng Wanzhou, la Cina ha imbarcato su un aereo diretto a Calgary Michael Spavor e Michael Kovrig cittadini canadesi detenuti in Cina dal 2018. Spavor e Kovrig sono tornati in Canada dopo quasi tre anni di reclusione in Cina per spionaggio. I ’due Michael’ si sono imbarcati poche ore dopo che il tribunale della British Columbia ha archiviato il caso di estradizione negli Usa contro Meng Wanzhou… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of September 26, 2021, at 6:30 pm EST.

On Sunday, health officials in Germany logged 5,267 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 4.2 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 94.1% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 13, bringing the total number of fatalities to 93,979.

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After Meng free also Kovrig and Spavor

TORONTO – Three long years but now the nightmare is over. A few hours after the release of Meng Wanzhou, China boarded a plane bound for Calgary Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig Canadian citizens detained in China since 2018. Spavor and Kovrig have returned to Canada after nearly three years in prison in China for espionage. The ‘two Michaels’ boarded just hours after the British Columbia court dismissed the extradition case to the US against Meng Wanzhou.  Continue reading

Candidates rejected, might as well vote for the “dead” one

TORONTO – On November 3, 2020, Republican David Andahl won the election for a seat in the North Dakota Legislature. Voters gave him 36 percent of the vote, enough for the candidate to win the election. And this despite the fact that Andahl had died of Covid a month earlier, on October 5. The electorate, in order not to vote for the other candidates, preferred to elect the one who had already passed to a better life. In the last federal election in the Spadina-Fort York district we witnessed something similar. Continue reading

Carpenters’ Union committed to supporting Canada’s military

A beautiful autumn morning greeted Durval Terceira, Local Union Co-ordinator for Local 1030, as he set out this past Saturday for the annual fundraising walk to support Renos for Heroes (R4H). Despite event organizers having to move the event to a virtual format for the second year due to the pandemic, it did not deter his commitment to support Canada’s military veterans on behalf of the Carpenters’ District Council of Ontario. Continue reading