Leader-bashing: the not-so-new political blood sport

TORONTO – After a ho-hum election that saw a mere 59% voter-turnout, the public is ready for more interesting sport. The official results from Elections Canada are not yet public but Party leaders are being placed on the endangered species list. Yes, that includes Liberal Party Leader, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister and political “golden boy”. The Liberal Party today “belongs” to its leader more so than any of the others do to theirs.  Continue reading

Ontario, infections and hospitalizations return to rise

TORONTO – Cases in Ontario returned to increase within twenty-four hours but the daily average drops thanks to the good numbers of the last few days: today, provincial health officials recorded 677, up from 463 on Wednesday but significantly lower than to 864 on last Thursday. The seven-day moving average of new infections therefore still drops to 665, down from a week ago (732).  Continue reading

Power up the economy with growth in the job market

With the elections in the rear-view mirror, the focus for Canadians is on the path forward. Part of that includes a government working towards ending to the pandemic, improving affordability and sustainability while stepping up economic recovery efforts and creating better jobs.

The latest job numbers by Statistics Canada suggest Canada is on track. Data shows the economy added 90,200 jobs last month. Continue reading

#MesMundialAlzheimer: Cuidar do Cuidador

(Revista Amar / José Carreira) Não me canso de repetir, a doença de Alzheimer e outras demências não afetam apenas a pessoa que está doente. Associado a cada diagnóstico, a cada pessoa que perde, pouco a pouco, as suas memórias, há centenas de histórias. São as histórias dos cônjuges, dos filhos, dos amigos…São as pessoas que cuidam, as faces ocultas da doença… Read More in Revista Amar >>> 

যারা টিকা নেয়নি তাদের গ্রেপ্তারের নির্দেশ

(Shomporko সম্পর্ক) পাকিস্তানের সিন্ধু প্রদেশের সরকার নির্দেশ দিয়েছে যারা করোনার টিকা নেয়নি তাদের গ্রেপ্তারের জন্য। ন্যাশনাল কমান্ড অ্যান্ড অপারেশন সেন্টার (এনসিওসি) পাকিস্তানের নাগরিকদের দ্রুত টিকা নেওয়ার নতুন আদেশ জারি করার পর এই নির্দেশ দিলো সিন্ধু সরকার … Read More in Shomporko >>> 

Doug Ford: “Green Pass contro i lockdown”

TORONTO – Sono necessari ma saranno temporanei. Al momento, in sostanza, secondo il premier dell’Ontario, di fronte all’entrata in vigore dei pass vaccinali non rimane che fare buon viso a cattivo gioco. “È una misura importantissima per combattere la malattia – ha ribadito ieri durante una conferenza poche ore dopo l’implementazione del provvedimento Ford – il Green Pass è essenziale per evitare un altro lockdown nella provincia ma è una misura provvisoria”… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>