Alberta, duemila casi in un giorno. I medici: “Ci vuole l’esercito”

EDMONTON – Numeri che fanno paura. L’Alberta, che fino a pochi giorni fa era “stay open for good”, venerdì ha registrato 2.020 nuovi casi di Covid-19 (su un totale di 17.000 test effettuati). Un’enormità, se si considera che l’Alberta ha poco più di 4,3 milioni di abitanti. Per fare un paragone: ieri l’Italia, che di abitanti ne ha oltre 60 milioni, ha registrato 3.838 nuovi casi (su un totale di 263.571 tamponi analizzati). Lo stesso tasso di positività dell’Alberta non lascia spazio a dubbi: 11,7 per cento… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

L’Ontario regge: cala la media dei contagi

TORONTO – Il trend ormai sembra quello: nuovi casi giornalieri fra i 700 e gli 800, la stragrande maggioranza dei quali in persone non vaccinate. Ieri l’Ontario ha registrato 715 nuovi casi (e 6 decessi), con la media mobile di sette giorni dei nuovi casi che è ora pari a 709, in calo rispetto a sabato (719) quando i contagi erano stati 821. Dei casi di ieri, rilevati su 29.906 test effettuati per un tasso di positività del 2,3%, 440 riguardano persone non vaccinate e 44 persone parzialmente vaccinate… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

TCDSB, who defends the rights of Catholics?

TORONTO – The Canadian Confederation, as a form of government, has a unique feature in its Constitution, or “corporate by-laws”. Under section 93, it ascribes to the provinces the sole jurisdiction for education. Within that section, it provides further exclusive “denominational rights” to certain citizens as a protection against the tyranny of the majority in a democratic society.  Continue reading

Elections 2021: the countdown is over

TORONTO – At the end of an election campaign full of accusations, poisons and controversy, the countdown is over. Tomorrow Canadians will go to the polls to choose their 338 representatives in the 44th legislature and, indirectly, to indicate the new prime minister. Today the leaders of the main parties held the last electoral rallies, launching the last appeal to the still undecided voters who, ultimately, could shift the final balance and therefore the outcome of the votes. Justin Trudeau spoke in Montreal in the morning, while throughout the day he was engaged in a long series of virtual events.  Continue reading

Alberta, two thousand cases in one day. The doctors: “Immediate military aid”

EDMONTON – Scary numbers. Alberta, which until a few days ago was “stay open for good”, registered 2,020 new cases of Covid-19 on Friday (out of a total of 17,000 tests carried out). A huge amount, considering that Alberta has just over 4.3 million inhabitants. To make a comparison: today Italy, which has over 60 million inhabitants, recorded 3,838 new cases (out of a total of 263,571 swabs analyzed).  Continue reading

A photo finish for what will likely appear to be another minority government

After a short 5-week campaign, voting day has arrived. Tomorrow, Canadians across the Nation will head to the polls to cast their vote. Some may still be asking whether holding an election in the middle of a pandemic was necessary. Either way, casting a vote gives Canadians the opportunity and privilege to have a say in Canada’s future government.

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Ang Umaakyat na Presyo ng mga Pagkain nitong Pandemya

TORONTO – Isang kaibigan ko ang pumuna ng presyo ng Big Mac, na pag kumakain ka nito parati, di mo mapupuna ang presyo pero kung ikaw ay yung taong tulad ko na paminsan minsan lang kumain ng Big Mac, malamang magulat ka sa babayaran mo. Nitong nakaraang mahigit na isang taon, hindi ako kumain ng Big Mac hanggang ilang araw na nakalipas nang bumili ako ng dalawang Big Mac meals at nagulat ako sa binayaran ko – mahigit $23! Sabi ng kaibigan ko, mas makakatipid ka kung may coupon ka, konti sa kalahati ang babayaran mo. Ang sa akin naman ay gaano kadalas nagbibigay ng coupon para sa Big Mac.  Continue reading