Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of August 24, 2021, at 4:45pm EST.

On Tuesday, health officials in Spain logged 10,072 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 4.8 million. Of the cumulative total, 87.4% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 190, bringing the total number of fatalities to 83,527.

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Salaries, Serie A in second place after the Premier League

ROMA – “Serie A is in crisis, the Italian championship is destined to become a secondary tournament, less and less money is spinning”. How many times in recent years have we heard these considerations, a sad and bleak de profundis for Serie A, unable to stand up to comparison – it was said – with the petrodollars that inflate football in half of Europe and the investments of Russian oligarchs and American multinationals?  Continue reading

Fears fourth wave: “Perhaps the worst”

CALGARY – “We are in big trouble”. “We are in trouble up to our necks”: with this short sentence Dr. Joe Vipond, a doctor in an emergency room in Calgary and co-founder of Masks4Canada, photographed the current situation. With the number of cases on the rise in Ontario, Alberta and B.C., the doctor fears that – unless governments act to stop it – this fourth wave of Covid-19 may be worse than the first. Continue reading

Liberal-conservatives still neck and neck

TORONTO – Liberals and Conservatives separated by a handful of votes, NDP sharply detached, Bloc growing in Quebec and Greens and People’s Party in trouble. In the second week of this summer election campaign, all the polls confirm that the balance of power between the parties in the running has now stabilized, with Erin O’Toole’s Tories patiently continuing to erode the support for the Liberals of outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and with the certainty, now established, that regardless of the results of September 20, also in the next legislature the country will be led by a minority government. The numbers, on the other hand, leave very little hope for those who have the ambition to win the absolute majority of the seats at stake in this election: no one, in fact, seems able to reach 170, the minimum number of deputies necessary to have an absolute majority in the House of Commons.  Continue reading

Covid-19, Del Duca writes to Ford: “Let’s work together for the people of Ontario”

TORONTO – “Ontario’s Covid-19 numbers are starting to be worrying and schools will shortly reopen: it’s time we all unite and work together for the people of Ontario”: the appeal is from Steven Del Duca (in the pic above, from his Twitter profile), Ontario Liberal Party’s leader, in a letter sent to premier Doug Ford and all the majority and opposition political parties and to representatives of associations of doctors, nurses, teachers and public employees and trade unions.  Continue reading

Ontario: cases down today, but thousands of tests are missing

TORONTO – Less infections, but also fewer tests to detect them. Ontario recorded 486 new cases of Covid-19 today, compared to 639 on Monday: a decline, therefore, after more than 600 cases had always been recorded in the last few days. However, the provincial government has announced that 17,369 tests have been processed in the last 24 hours (compared to 20,000 on Monday and 23,075 on Sunday) and that there is a backlog of 11,370 tests awaiting results. The positivity therefore remains high, at 3%. Last week it was 2.6%.  Continue reading

The Afghan Paralympic athletes in safety: destination Tokyo

KABUL – Zakia and Hossain have made it: they are out of Afghanistan and could fulfill their dream of participating in the Tokyo Paralympics, the Olympics for disabled people who have just started. A dream that seemed to have shattered when the Taliban arrived, just as the two Afghan athletes, Zakia Khudadadi (taekwondo) and Hossain Rasouli (athletics) were about to leave for Japan.  Continue reading

Claudi, the civil-servant hero who remained in Kabul to save people

KABUL – While the embassies of all the countries of the world closed and the diplomats fled, he remained there, in the midst of chaos, among the desperate people of Kabul. And the photos that have immortalized him as he picks up a child to take him to safety at the airport have been around the world. Tommaso Claudi, the last official of the Italian embassy left at the Kabul airport after the return of the Taliban to Afghanistan, has been involved for days in evacuating his fellow citizens in the Afghan capital. But no one knew until those photos ended up on the “net”: you can see him, helmet over the shoulder and bulletproof vest, crouching on a wall to grab a 7 or 8 year old child and carry him safely to the side of the airport manned by the US military.  Continue reading