Canada, casi in aumento “Ci aspettano mesi difficili”

TORONTO – Saranno un autunno e un inverno difficili. Lo dice il dottor Kieran Moore, Chief Medical Officer of Health dell’Ontario e lo dicono anche i funzionari sanitari dell’Alberta. In entrambe le province, infatti, i casi sono ormai in forte aumento. L’Ontario è tornato a rilevare più di 500 nuovi casi di Covid-19: secondo i dati del Ministero della Salute, infatti, ieri sono stati confermati 531 nuovi casi, rispetto ai 485 del giorno prima (registrati anche altri 17 decessi, anche se 15 di essi si sono verificati mesi fa e sono stati scoperti attraverso una ricognizione dei dati)… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Foto di Magdiel Lagos (Unsplash)

Giro di vite di City Hall e TTC: vaccini obbligatori

TORONTO – Pugno duro della città di Toronto: tutti i suoi dipendenti e tutti i lavoratori del TTC devono essere completamente vaccinati entro il 30 ottobre. Ad annunciarlo, ieri, è stato il sindaco John Tory: “La situazione, con la variante Delta estremamente infettiva, continua a dover essere presa sul serio. C’è semplicemente troppo in gioco per non prenderla il più seriamente possibile”, ha detto… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Foto di Steven Cornfield (Unsplash)

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of August 19, 2021, at 5:00pm EST.

On Thursday, health officials in Mexico logged 28,953 new infections, the highest single-day increase than at any other point in the pandemic. Of the cumulative 3.1 million confirmed positive cases, 78.9% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 940, numbers not seen since February.

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A leap in the dark for Justin Trudeau

TORONTO – By definition, when you take a leap in the dark, you never have the certainty of how it will turn out. These early elections, provoked and strongly desired by the outgoing prime minister, could ultimately turn out to be a gamble with a very high bill. However, we must take a step back and try to analyze the reasons that led Justin Trudeau to play the voting card at a time when the vast majority of Canadians are struggling with many other problems than the political skirmishes, accusations and poisons that will inevitably accompany us throughout the election campaign. The starting point is the results of the two-year vote, which gave the Liberal leader a narrow majority relative to the House of Commons.  Continue reading

Canada, cases on the rise: “Difficult months ahead”

TORONTO – Autumn and winter will be difficult. Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health says so, and the same Alberta health officials. In both provinces, in fact, cases are now on the rise. Ontario has returned to detect more than 500 new cases of Covid-19: according to data from the Ministry of Health, in fact, 531 new cases were confirmed today, compared to 485 the day before (another 17 deaths were also recorded, although 15 of them occurred months ago and were discovered through a data reconnaissance).  Continue reading