Riaperture sospese, vaccini per categorie a rischio

TORONTO – Un altro passo indietro e nuove direttive per i vaccini. Dopo che la scorsa settimana ha lasciato intendere che l’Ontario in dieci giorni al massimo avrebbe raggiunto un livello tale di vaccinazioni che gli avrebbero permesso di allentare tutte le restanti restrizioni, ieri il Chief medical officer of health Kieran Moore, ha detto che al momento questo progetto è sospeso… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Ontario, l’altalena Covid torna a scendere: 348 casi

TORONTO – L’altalena Covid non si ferma: dopo gli oltre 500 contagi ogni 24 ore negli ultimi giorni, ieri l’Ontario ha registrato “solo” 348 nuovi casi di coronavirus, con un notevole calo rispetto ai 526 di lunedì ed ai 511 domenica). È il primo giorno di casi sub-500 dell’Ontario dall’11 agosto, quando erano stati rilevati 324 nuovi casi. Ma i decessi sono stati dieci (zero lunedì), sei dei quali rivelati attraverso una revisione in corso dei decessi durante la pandemia… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of August 17, 2021, at 5:45pm EST.

On Tuesday, health officials in the UK logged 26,852 new infections pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 6.3 million. Of the cumulative total, 77.3% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 170, bringing the total number of fatalities to 131,149. Continue reading

Reopenings suspended, vaccines for risk categories

TORONTO – Another step backwards and new directives for vaccines. After last week hinted that Ontario in ten days at most would reach such a level of vaccinations that it would allow it to loosen all remaining restrictions, today the Chief Medical Officer of Health Kieran Moore (in the pic, credit: Twitter, AwesomeKingston), said that at the moment this project is suspended.  Continue reading

Ontario, the Covid “swing” returns to descend: 348 new cases today

TORONTO – The Covid “swing” does not stop: after more than 500 infections every 24 hours in the last few days, Ontario recorded “only” 348 new cases of coronavirus today, with a significant decrease compared to 526 on Monday and 511 on Sunday . It is Ontario’s first day of sub-500 cases since August 11, when 324 new cases were detected. But there are ten deaths (zero on Monday), even if six were revealed through an ongoing review of deaths during the pandemic.  Continue reading

Liberals and Conservatives still neck and neck in race for the GTA

TORONTO – The Liberal Party is ahead in voting intentions at the national level, but in the GTA the gap with the conservatives is minimal. This is the snapshot taken by three different polls published in the last twenty-four hours, which highlight how in these first stages of the election campaign the outcome of these early elections is far from already written and that, at the same time, whoever emerges winner of the result of the polls, will hardly be able to count on an absolute majority in the House of Commons.  Continue reading

Referendo sobre Trudeau. Não a necessidade de novas eleições

TORONTO – As eleições federais de 20 de Setembro representam uma aposta para Justin Trudeau. Nas urnas, esta consulta eleitoral vai tornar-se, inevitavelmente, numa espécie de referendo sobre a forma como o Primeiro-Ministro cessante lidou com a emergência do Covid-19 e ao mesmo tempo perspectivar de como o país pode sair da crise econômica provocada pela pandemia. Continue reading

The Taliban: “Women in the government. And no burqa”. Female journalists back on air

KABUL – They are back, but they say they have changed. After twenty years, the Taliban regained power in Kabul and with them the terror they had left behind returned: violence, summary executions, repression of all freedom, women forced to wear the burqa and women’s schools closed, sports and music bandits. But “now we are different”, they say. And they try to prove it. Continue reading