Passaporto vaccinale, lo scontro è servito

TORONTO – Il passaporto vaccinale, è senza ombra di dubbio, il pomo della discordia. Premier a favore e premier contrari stanno dando vita a uno scontro a colpi di parole mentre i contagi tornano a salire un po’ dappertutto. Ieri in Ontario i nuovi casi sono stati 423, il numero più alto dal 14 giugno. E con i contagi salgono i ricoveri in ospedale e nelle terapie intensive… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Il giudice attivista LGBT Corbett potrebbe salvare Lecce dai suoi pasticci

TORONTO – Lecce potrebbe ancora riuscire nel suo piano di eliminare il sistema delle Scuole Cattoliche. Non sembra disposto “a preoccuparsi dei sentimenti degli altri”. Preso nel mezzo di un caso legale carico di questioni costituzionali (diritti provinciali, libertà religiosa, diritti dei cattolici romani e [potenziale] abuso d’ufficio da parte di un ministro) tra il fiduciario Del Grande (nella foto) e il Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), il suo Ministero ha fatto il “Gioco del Calendario” sperando nella disponibilità successiva di un giudice “favorevole”… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Vaccination passport, the clash is served

The vaccination passport, is without a shadow of a doubt, the bone of contention. Premiers in favor and premiers against are giving life to a clash with blows of words while the infections return to rise a little everywhere. Yesterday in Ontario there were 423 new cases, the highest number since June 14. And with the infections, hospitalizations and intensive care go up. But all this does not seem to change the mind of the prime minister of the province Doug Ford who continues to remain firm on his positions: the vaccination passport, at the moment, is not talked about. Continue reading

Former Ontario’s Premier William Davis dead at 92, Joe Volpe: “He was bigger than life”

TORONTO – He was bigger than life.

If a political figure is measured by his influence on the Province, Bill Davis will surely emerge as one of the true fathers of a modern Ontario society. A a graduating university student, i remember him as a small-town lawyer deeply steeped in the ultra-conservative politics of an Ontario still very dependent on an agrarian based economy buttressed by a manufacturing-centred Toronto.

His home base was then “sleepy” Brampton, population 55,000. The Family Compact and the Orange Order, his core supporters, did not look too kindly upon those new post-war immigrants from Europe who were not British.  Continue reading

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of August 8, 2021, at 4:00pm EST.

On Sunday, health officials in the Philippines logged 9,671 new infections. Of the cumulative 1.6 million confirmed positive cases, 93.6% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 289, numbers not seen since April 2021.

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Activist LBGT judge Corbett may rescue Lecce

TORONTO – Lecce may yet succeed in his plan to eliminate Catholic Schools as a system. He does not appear disposed “to take any prisoners”. Caught in the middle of a legal case laden with Constitutional issues (Provincial rights, Religious freedom, Rights of Roman Catholics and the [potential] abuse of office by a Minister) between Trustee Del Grande and the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), his Ministry played the “Calendar Game” hoping for the next availability of a “ favourable” judge.  Continue reading

“Mars is calling”: NASA is recruiting for yearlong simulated mission to the Red Planet

HOUSTON – Mars is calling! Who wants to answer the call? It may seem like a joke, but the warning appeared on the official website of NASA (Don’t believe it? Here is the link: yearlong-simulated-mars-mission) and is a full-blown announcement: “NASA is seeking applicants for participation as a crew member during the first one-year analog mission in a habitat to simulate life on a distant world, set to begin in Fall 2022″.  Continue reading

From one competition to another: Canadians anticipate the imminent call of the federal election

Canada is gearing up for another type of competition following the end of the Tokyo Olympics. A political race so to speak. With campaign plans at the ready, speculation mounts that the imminent election call could be days away.

Many Canadians have concerns about holding an election in the middle of a pandemic. With that in mind, the Corriere Canadese spoke with Francesco Sorbara, Member of Parliament for Vaughan-Woodbridge and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Revenue to discuss how Canada has managed the pandemic so far. Continue reading