Dal Canada agli Usa o in Europa: un vero rebus

TORONTO – Chi può attraversare il confine canadese? Possiamo andare liberamente negli USA e in Europa? Siamo in piena estate, molti di noi sono già stati in vacanza e molti di noi stanno ancora pianificando le proprie ferie. Vorremmo visitare amici o parenti o trascorrere una vacanza da sogno negli Stati Uniti o Europa. I nostri familiari e amici vorrebbero farci visita in Canada. Sappiamo chi, quando e dove potrà viaggiare? E sappiamo chi e quando potrà venire a trovarci in Canada? … Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Gli Italiani ‘russi’: “Vaccinati e senza diritti”

VENEZIA – Una storia paradossale, una delle tante che in questi mesi “pandemici” ci siamo abituati a leggere e raccontare. È quella degli Italiani in Russia che stanno vivendo una vera e propria Odissea durante le vacanze estive che per loro hanno sempre rappresentato l’occasione per rivedere l’amata terra natìa e, naturalmente, i familiari e gli amici di sempre… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

L’Italia su pista insegue e vince l’oro

TOKYO – Arriva dal ciclismo su pista la sesta e meravigliosa medaglia d’oro italiana a Tokyo 2020. Uno straordinario Filippo Ganna, insieme a Simone Consonni, Francesco Lamon e Jonathan Milan conquistano l’alloro a cinque cerchi battendo il quartetto della Danimarca, aggiornando inoltre il record del mondo da loro stessi già migliorato in semifinale. 3’42”032 il tempo finale che vale l’oro olimpico ed il record del mondo per il quartetto azzurro, quasi due decimi meglio dei danesi, che non possono nulla soprattutto davanti a un Ganna spaziale nell’ultimo chilometro… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Ontario schools, allocated $25 million for air quality

TORONTO – When the school year resumes Ontario will allow students to participate in “close indoor sports” such as basketball and hockey, and the province does not yet plan to impose COVID-19 vaccinations for educators, staff or students. The Minister of Education of Ontario Stephen Lecce reiterated this today during a press conference: the provincial government will continue to support its immunization campaign, he said, but the mandatory “at the moment” is not taken into account.  Continue reading

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of August 4, 2021, at 4:30pm EST.

On Wednesday, health officials in Italy logged 6,596 new infections, numbers not seen since May. Of the cumulative 4.3 million confirmed positive cases, 94.8% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 21, brining the total number of fatalities to 128,136.

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The ‘Russian’ Italians: “Vaccinated and without rights, we are the orphans of Green Pass”

VENICE – A paradoxical story, one of the many that in these “pandemic” months we have become accustomed to reading and telling. It is that of the Italians in Russia who are experiencing a real Odyssey during the summer holidays which for them have always represented an opportunity to review their beloved homeland and, of course, their family and friends of all time.  Continue reading

Wer darf die kanadische Grenze überqueren? Können wir frei in die USA und nach Europa einreisen?

Wir sind mitten im Sommer, viele von uns waren schon im Urlaub und viele von uns planen noch. Wir möchten Freunde oder Verwandte besuchen oder einen Traumurlaub in den USA oder Europa verbringen. Unsere Verwandten und Freunde möchten uns in Kanada besuchen.

Wissen wir, wer, wann und wohin reisen kann? Und wissen wir, wer und wann uns in Kanada besuchen kann? Continue reading

Kto może przekraczać granicę Kanady? Czy możemy swobodnie udać się do USA i Europy?

Mamy środek lata, wielu z nas było już na wakacjach a wielu z nas je dopiero planuje. Chcielibyśmy odwiedzić znajomych lub krewnych bądź spędzić wymarzony urlop w Stanach Zjednoczonych czy w Europie. Nasi bliscy, krewni i znajomi chcieliby odwiedzić nas w Kanadzie.

Czy wiemy kto, kiedy i dokąd będzie mógł podróżować? Oraz czy wiemy kto i kiedy będzie mógł nas w Kanadzie odwiedzić? Continue reading

Who can cross the Canada border? Can we go freely to the USA and Europe?

We are in the middle of summer, many of us have already been on vacation and many of us are still planning it. We would like to visit friends or relatives or spend a dream vacation in the United States or Europe. Our relatives and friends would like to visit us in Canada.

Do we know who, when and where will be able to travel? And do we know who and when will be able to visit us in Canada? Continue reading

Looming job action by Ontario optometrists may leave patients in the dark

Time is running out for eye care patients in Ontario. As of September 1, most of Ontario’s optometrists will stop providing services to seniors, adults and children covered by OHIP.

In March, an overwhelming 96% of Ontario optometrists voted to withdraw eye care services to patients covered under the Provincial health care plan. The action by the Ontario Association of Optometrists (OAO) stems from more than three decades of underfunding by the Ontario government. Continue reading