
抵制北京冬奥会的呼声日益高涨。 一个代表维吾尔人、藏人、香港活动家和其他许多人的联盟团体在 5 月发表联合声明,呼吁明年从北京彻底取消冬奥会。 加拿大与中国的关系特别不稳定。 由于两名加拿大人质迈克尔·科尔维格和迈克尔·斯帕沃尔被关押,迄今为止,加拿大对中国的欺负人的反应非常不温不火。 整个内阁和其他一些自由党议员以及总理特鲁多都退出了对维吾尔种族灭绝动议的投票。 或许他们想向中国发出一个非挑衅的信息。 但在加中关系的难题中,这种绥靖政策对加拿大根本不利。 Continue reading

“Canada, It’s Time to Expel All Chinese Athletes”

The calls to boycott the Beijing Winter Olympics are growing by the day. A coalition group representing Uyghurs, Tibetans, Hong Kong activists, and many others issued a joint statement in May calling for the complete removal of the Winter Game from Beijing next year. Canada is in a particularly precarious relationship with China. With two Canadian hostages Michael Korvig and Michael Spavor held in prison, Canada so far has had a very tepid response to China’s aggression. The entire cabinet and a few other Liberal MPs along with Prime Minister Trudeau removed themselves from voting for the Uyghur Genocide motion. Perhaps they wanted to send a message of non-provocation to China. But this sort of appeasement has not served Canada well at all in the conundrum of Canada-China relations. Continue reading