Toronto lança a Toronto Youth Vaccine Engagement Strategy para chegar aos jovens vulneráveis

John Tory anunciou esta quarta-feira (23 de junho) o lançamento da Toronto Youth Vaccine Engagement Strategy, uma parceria entre a cidade de Toronto e o Toronto Youth Cabinet (TYC). Em comunicado à imprensa, o presidente de Toronto disse que desde que o Ontário anunciou o alargamento da elegibilidade para os residentes com mais de 12 anos de idade “vimos uma resposta impressionante à vacinação juvenil”. Continue reading

Toronto launches Toronto Youth Vaccine Engagement Strategy to reach vulnerable youth

John Tory announced this Wednesday (June 23) the launch of Toronto Youth Vaccine Engagement Strategy, a partnership between the City of Toronto and the Toronto Youth Cabinet (TYC). In a press release, the Mayor of Toronto said that since Ontario extended eligibility to residents over 12 years of age, “we’ve seen an impressive response to youth vaccination”.

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Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of June 23, 2021 at 4:00pm EST.

On Wednesday, health officials in the UK logged 16,135 new infections, the highest single day increase in nearly four months. The sharp rise in cases prompted a delay in the country’s final stage of reopening until July 19. Of the cumulative total, 92.3% are considered recovered. Since yesterday, Covid-related deaths increased by 27 bringing the country’s death toll to 128,027. Continue reading