Status of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of June 18, 2021 at 7:50pm EST.

On Friday, health officials in Germany logged 497 new infections, figures not seen in since August 2020. Of the cumulative 3.7 million confirmed positive cases, 96.5% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, Covid-related deaths increased by 57 bringing the total fatalities to 90,877.

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কিংস্টনে ঘৃণাজনিত বিদ্বেষের শিকার দুই মুসলিম নারী

টরন্টো, জুন ১৮: গতকাল অপরাহ্নে অন্টারিও প্রদেশের কিংস্টনে দুই মুসলিম নারী ঘৃণাজনিত বিদ্বেষের শিকার হয়েছেন বলে জানিয়েছে গ্লোবাল নিউজ টেলিভিশন। Continue reading

Ang kampus nang Unibersidad nang Toronto

Maraming ginagawang trabaho sa kampus nang Unibersidad nang Toronto, St George downtown, kampus. Mayroon bakod ang King’s College Circle; kahoy na bakuran proteksion para sa makahulugan puno. Parang ang mundo ay binaligtad. Alam ko na para ako nakakita nang balon. Binubunkal ang lupa nilayuan nang buto para tumubo iisang bagay na maganda. A kondo siguro? Kung ang maga bata ay nasa bahay, bakit nila inaapura bigyan itong kampus na ito nang makabagong mukha. Continue reading

Caso-Dhillon, il Tribunale si pronuncia a favore della Città di Brampton

BRAMPTON, – L’11 giugno la Superior Court of Justice, Divisional Court, dell’Ontario si è pronunciata a favore della Città di Brampton e del Commissario sull’integrità, con condanna al pagamento delle spese legali, nel caso Dhillon contro The Corporation of the City of Brampton in base alle conclusioni del Commissario per l’integrità in merito alle accuse di cattiva condotta mosse al Consigliere Dhillon e la decisione del Consiglio di accettare tali conclusioni. Continue reading

“Giving a Campus a Face-lift for a Post-COVID-19 World”

There is a lot of construction going on at the University of Toronto St. George downtown campus.  There are fences around King’s College Circle; wooden boards protecting historic trees.  The earth is upturned; I could have sworn I saw a plough.  They are sowing the seeds for something better to come.  A condo, perhaps?  If the kids are all at home, then why are they rushing to give this campus a makeover? Continue reading