বিশ্বের ছয় পরিবেশকর্মী পেলেন গোল্ডম্যান এনভায়রনমেন্টাল প্রাইজ ২০২১

টরন্টো, জুন ১৮: গোল্ডম্যান ইনভায়রোনমেন্টাল ফাউন্ডেশন মালাউয়ি, ভিয়েতনাম, বসনিয়া ও হারজেগোভিনা, জাপান, যুক্তরাষ্ট্র এবং পেরু থেকে বাছাইকৃত তৃণমূল পর্যায়ের ছয়জন পরিবেশকর্মীকে গোল্ডম্যান ইনভায়রোনমেন্টাল প্রাইজ ২০২১ সন্মানে ভূষিত করেছে। এতে এক ভার্চুয়াল অনুষ্ঠানে জেন ফন্ডার উপস্থাপনায় সঙ্গীত জগতের লেনি ক্রাভিটজ্্, বাবা মাল, নেডলভু ইয়ুথ কোয়ার ও সিগোরনে উইভার ছাড়াও উগান্ডার পরিবেশবাদী ভেনেসা নেকেট উপস্থিত ছিলেন। Continue reading

Six Environmental Heroes receive Goldman Environmental Prize 2021

Toronto, June 18: The Goldman Environmental Foundation has announced six recipients of the 2021 Goldman Environmental Prize among grassroots environmental activists from Malawi, Vietnam, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Japan, the United States and Peru. It has been announced in a virtual ceremony with featuring Jane Fonda as host, musical guests Lenny Kravitz, Baaba Maal, and the Ndlovu Youth Choir, with Sigourney Weaver and a special appearance from Ugandan climate activist Vanessa Nakate. Continue reading

Ontário acelera na segunda dose, mas o agendamento permanece um quebra-cabeças

Artlicle by Francesco Veronesi — Trnslation and vceo: Luis Aparcio

O Ontário acelera na vacinação. A partir da próxima quarta-feira, todos os residentes de outros três hotspots da variante Delta que já receberam a primeira dose da vacina antes de 30 de maio poderão agendar a segunda, como já estão fazendo – com grande dificuldade e incómodo, para falar a verdade – os residentes de Toronto e de seis outras áreas de alto risco: estas são Hamilton, Simcoe-Muskoka e Região de Durham. Continue reading

Peel Regional Police considers “matter closed” in Brampton Council-Authorized Investigation

On June 17, the city of Brampton issued a press release updating the status of the Council-authorized investigation. The matter pertained to a substantive complaint letter, addressed to Brampton Council, received on April 22, 2021, involving a number of allegations including workplace misconduct, discrimination, improper hiring practices, destruction of information, harassment and procurement breaches.

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DRAGHI FIRMA IL DECRETO PER IL ‘PASSAPORTO-COVID’: In Italia 1.325 nuovi contagiati e 37 decessi

Article by Giorgio Mitolo — Video: Rosanna Colavecchia

ROMA – Lieve calo giornaliero di neo contagiati e di vittime del Covid in Italia. Ieri infatti sono stati 1.325 i positivi al test e 37 le vittime. Sono stati 200.315 i tamponi molecolari e antigenici effettuati sul territorio nazionale, col tasso di positività allo 0,7%. Continue reading