Head Up in the Clouds (Computing)

On June 8, 2021, the internet broke down. CNN, The New York Times, the UK Government, Amazon, Paypal, the Financial Times, Bloomberg News, Reddit, Spotify, Twitch, Verge, along with thousands of other government, news and social media web sites – all fell off the grid. The western hemisphere was still in dreamland; most of us had not even had our morning coffee yet. It happened just before 6 am EDT. Continue reading

Daily update of Ontario’s Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign

With the largest vaccination campaign underway, the province has administered more than 11.0 million doses into the arms of Ontarians. On June 12, numbers released by the Ministry of Health show health officials administered 195,032 vaccine doses on Friday, down from 199,951 doses the day prior.

This graph represents Ontario’s progress thus far in the vaccination campaign (see above). The dark blue bar represents the population of Ontario, an estimated 14.5 million. Health officials suggest roughly 80% of the population would need to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity against Covid-19.

So far, 9,354,691 people have received at least one or both shots of the vaccine, 64.5% of the entire population (green segment).

A total of 1,667,761 people are fully inoculated against the virus. That number represents about 11.5% of the Ontario population, (yellow segment).

Toronto ranked one of the best cities in the world for entrepreneurial success

Toronto has a lot to offer, especially if you are someone looking to start your own business. In fact, Toronto is considered to be one of the best cities in the world for entrepreneurs.

Individuals are entrepreneurial, not cities, you say. However, some cities are more able to attract creative and innovative people to realize their budding new venture.

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TTC Ride Guide apresenta trabalho de Indígena Que Rock

Os utilizadores da TTC que apanharem uma cópia do TTC Ride Guide este verão podem notar uma ilustração especial na capa. Em reconhecimento do Mês Nacional da História Indígena, a capa apresenta obras de arte do artista Anishinaabe, nascido em Nipissing e residente em Toronto: Manitou Nemeen (Que Rock, na foto do perfil do artista no Facebook) e retrata os ensinamentos da Roda da Medicina Anishinaabe. Continue reading

Ontario Extending Temporary Wage Increase for Personal Support Workers

TORONTO ― The Ontario government is investing $141 million to extend the temporary wage increase for personal support workers and direct support workers in publicly funded home and community care, long-term care, public hospitals, and social services sectors. This temporary wage increase will continue until August 23, 2021, and will help stabilize, attract and retain the workforce needed to provide a high level of care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Continue reading