Delta variants are spreading at an alarming rate in the villages of Bangladesh

The previous simple calculation is changing in Bangladesh. The delta variant identified in India is now spreading in its villages. Experts say the speed at which the infection is spreading may be out of control at some point. This situation is almost the same in the 32 districts around the border area. The health department thought that corona in Bangladesh would not be so prevalent in villages than urban areas. Now they say the situation is dire. Continue reading

“Quando os esquilos pretos ficam brancos”

Article by  Ricky Castellvi — Translation and Video: Luis Aparicio

TORONTO – Um animal, que deveria ter morrido durante o inverno porque as hipóteses de sobrevivência eram baixas, foi encontrado ainda vivo. Apesar de uma furiosa pandemia da COVID-19, um inverno implacável, escassez de alimentos e predadores, a canção de Elton John “I’m Still Standing” vem à mente. Esta é uma história de bem-estar; poderíamos usar mais destas nos dias que correm. Continue reading

În Ontario, 590 de noi infectați și 11 decese

Article by  Giorgio Mitolo — Translation and Video: Cristiana Petrescu

TORONTO – Canada a atins ieri numarul de 1.397.849  de persoane infectate, cu o creștere de 1.844 infecții mai mult decât în ​​ultimele 24 de ore. Victimele – la nivel național – au atins ieri un total de 25.862 de decese, cu 30 mai multe decât miercuri. Continue reading

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of June 10, 2021 at 4:45pm EST.

On Thursday, health officials in Russia logged 11,699 new infections in the last 24-hours, the highest single-day increase in three months. Of the cumulative 5.1 million confirmed positive cases, 92.3% are considered recovered. In the last day, Covid-related deaths increased by 383 pushing the Covid-related death toll to over 125,000. Continue reading