Makakatulong ba sa pagasenso ng bayan ang pagtanggal o pagsira ng mga estatua?

Noon isang taon mayroon isang dating cenator at TB komentator na tinanggal nang CNN dahil sa kanyang sinabi “Tayo’y bumuhay nang bayan parang wala…mayroon tayong maga katutubong Amerikano pero…wala masyadong katutubong Amerikano sa Amerikano kultura sa grupo nang maga batang konsebativo nag pulong noon Abril para makinig sa kanyang pananalita tungkol sa maga rehiligion kahalagahan nang Uropian maninirahan sa US. Continue reading

Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas

Presidente da República deixa mensagem de agradecimento e esperança à Diáspora portuguesa. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, que está na Região Autónoma da Madeira para as comemorações do 10 de Junho, lamenta uma vez mais que a pandemia esteja a adiar “o convívio fraterno com todos os compatriotas e luso-descendentes que vivem e trabalham fora das fronteiras físicas de Portugal, mas integram as nossas fronteiras espirituais”. Continue reading

Day of Portugal, Camões, and the Portuguese Communities

President of the Republic leaves a message of gratitude and hope to the Portuguese Diaspora. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who is in the Autonomous Region of Madeira for the June 10th commemorations, regrets once again that the pandemic is postponing “fraternal coexistence with all compatriots and Portuguese descendants who live and work outside physical borders of Portugal, but they are part of our spiritual frontiers”. Continue reading

Stany Zjednoczone poluzowały obostrzenia w podróży do 60 krajów w tym do Kanady

W obliczu obniżających się statystyk dotyczących zachorowań na Covid na świecie, Stany Zjednoczone postanowiły ułatwić podróżowanie swoim obywatelom do blisko 60 krajów.

Amerykański Departament Stanu postanowił obniżyć tzw. „ostrzeżenia w podróży” – travel warnings dla podróży do wielu krajów, w tym do Kanady, Polski, Niemiec, Włoch, Francji, Meksyku, Japonii, Południowej Korei czy Singapuru. Continue reading

Die USA haben die Reisebeschränkungen für 60 Länder gelockert, darunter Kanada

Angesichts sinkender Covid-Krankheitsstatistiken auf der ganzen Welt haben die Vereinigten Staaten beschlossen, ihren Bürgern das Reisen in fast 60 Länder zu erleichtern.

Das US-State Department hat beschlossen, die sogenannten “Reisewarnungen” für Reisen in viele Länder zu senken, darunter unter anderem Kanada, Polen, Deutschland, Italien, Frankreich, Mexiko, Japan, Südkorea und Singapur. Continue reading

The United States has loosened travel restrictions to 60 countries, including Canada

In the face of declining Covid disease statistics around the world, the United States has decided to make it easier for its citizens to travel to nearly 60 countries.

The US Department of State decided to lower the so-called “travel warnings” for travel to many countries, including among others Canada, Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Mexico, Japan, South Korea and Singapore. Continue reading