Moderna, 9 million doses on the way but caution is needed for the “Euro2020 variant”

Article by Francesco Veronesi — Translation and Video: CNMNG Staff

TORONTO – The third wave of the pandemic is now over. For several weeks, the overall epidemiological picture in Ontario has been improving significantly, with the collapse of new daily cases, the sharp decrease in hospitalizations and ICU admissions and, more generally, with a mass immunization campaign that is finally at full power. Continue reading

Quem estiver completamente vacinado não terá mais que se sujeitar a quarentena em hotel

Article by Corriere Canadese Staff — Translation and Video Luis: Aparicio

OTTAWA – Os viajantes que precisam entrar ou regressar ao Canadá vão em breve poder evitar a quarentena obrigatória num hotel aprovado pelo governo. As autoridades federais disseram ontem que esperam ter um sistema em vigor – até ao início de julho – que permitirá às pessoas permanecer em quarentena em suas casas até que recebam um resultado negativo do teste à Covid-19, realizado na chegada ao país. Continue reading

Școlile in ruina au nevoie de 16,8 miliarde de dolari

Article by Mariella Policheni — Translation and Video: Cristiana Petrescu

TORONTO – Restanța intervențiilor structurale în școlile din Ontario, de la preluarea mandatului de către guvernul Ford, a crescut cu un miliard de dolari până la 16,8 miliarde. Acestea sunt informațiile dezvăluite de ministrul educației, Stephen Lecce. „ Continue reading

Regent Park candlelight vigil remembers 215 Native Children and lost Muslim family

Toronto, June 10: More than 300 people attended a candlelight vigil at the Regent Park last night to remember the hundreds of children whose remains were found buried at a former residential school as well as four Muslims who were run down and killed in London by a truck Sunday evening in what police say was a hate-motivated attack. Thus, all speakers denounce Islamophobia and urge action to defeat anti-Muslim hate and all forms of discrimination among people. Continue reading

রিজেন্ট পার্কে মোমবাতি প্রজ্জ্বলনে আদিবাসী ২১৫ শিশু ও নিহত মুসলিম পরিবারকে স্মরণ মোহাম্মদ আলী বোখারী, সিএনএমএনজি নিউজ

টরন্টো, জুন ১০: গত রাতে রিজেন্ট পার্কে তিন শতাধিক মানুষ মোমবাতি প্রজ্জ্বলনের মাধ্যমে কানাডার সাবেক আবাসিক স্কুলে দুই শতাধিক আদিবাসী শিশুর প্রাপ্ত দেহাবশেষ ও লন্ডনে রোববার পুলিশের ভাষায় ঘৃণ্য অভিপ্রায়ে ট্রাক চাপায় নিহত মুসলিম পরিবারকে স্মরণ করেছে। সেজন্য বক্তারা সেখানে ইসলামোফোবিয়াসহ মুসলিম বিরোধী ঘৃণা এবং মানুষে মানুষে বিদ্যমান ভেদাভেদকে প্রত্যাখ্যান করেছেন। Continue reading

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of June 9, 2021 at 8:20pm EST.

On Wednesday, health officials in Ontario logged 411 new infections in the last 24-hours, the lowest single-day increase in four months. The additional cases pushed the official national tally of positive cases to over 537,000. Of the cumulative total, 97.1% are considered recovered. In the last day, Covid-related deaths increased by 33, 11 of which were recorded as a data catch-up from April/May. Ontario’s Covid-related death toll is now 8,920.

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