Província vai permitir receber a 2.ª dose sem limite de idade

Article by Corriere Canadese Staff — Translation and Video by Luis Aparicio

A ministra da Saúde do Ontário, Christine Elliott, confirmou ontem que a província está a “examinar” a possibilidade de permitir que todos os ontarianos, com 12 anos, possam marcar uma consulta para a segunda dose da vacina contra a Covid-19, semanas ou mesmo meses antes do previsto. Continue reading

অন্টারিওর নির্মাণ শ্রমিকরা মাত্রাতিরিক্ত অপিয়ড আক্রান্ত

টরন্টো, জুন ৩: নির্মাণ শ্রমিকদের ক্ষেত্রে এটিকে মহামারি বিবেচনা করে অন্টারিও কনস্ট্রাকশন কনসোর্টিয়াম (ওসিসি) মাত্রাতিরিক্ত অপিয়ড ব্যবহারের বিরুদ্ধে সচেতনতা গড়ে তোলার এক আন্দোলন শুরু করেছে, কেননা অর্থনৈতিক খাতে সবচেয়ে বেশি তাদের মৃত্যুহার বৃদ্ধি পেয়েছে। Continue reading

Crossfire on Lecce, now the minister is in danger

Article by Francesco Veronesi — Video and Translation: CNMNG Staff

The controversy about schools in Ontario does not go out. Twenty-four hours after the provincial government’s decision to continue with distance learning – until the end of this school year – it has set the political climate on fire, provoking accusations and poisons during the last parliamentary session in Queen’s Park before the summer break. Continue reading

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of June 3, 2021 at 6:30pm EST.

On Thursday, Germany logged 3,686 new infections in the last 24-hours bringing the total cases count to more than 3.7 million since the start of the pandemic. Of the cumulative total of confirmed positive cases, 95.1% are considered recovered. In the last day, Covid-related deaths increased by 95 for a total of 89,605 fatalities. Continue reading