Rosyjski uścisk

Wczoraj miało miejsce zatrzymanie samolotu Polskich Linii Lotniczych LOT w Królewcu – Kaliningrad, Rosja udającego się do Warszawy.

Kaliningrad to niewielki skrawek Rosji w środkowej Europie z drugim, niezamarzającym w zimie portem dla marynarki wojennej, strefa ściśle zmilitaryzowana, sąsiadująca z Polską i Litwą, w odległości zaledwie 70 km od Białorusi, która jest w unii celnej z Rosją. Continue reading

Die Russische Umarmung

Wurde ein Flugzeug von LOT Polish Airlines in Kaliningrad, Russland, kurz vor dem Abflug nach Warschau gestoppt.

Kaliningrad ist ein kleines Stück Russland in Mitteleuropa mit einem zweiten Hafen für die Marine, der im Winter nicht friert, es ist eine streng militarisierte Zone, benachbart zu Polen und Litauen, nur 70 km von Weißrussland entfernt, das in der Zollunion liegt mit Russland. Continue reading

The Russian Hug

On June 1, a plane of LOT Polish Airlines was stopped in Kaliningrad, Russia just before taking off to Warsaw.

Kaliningrad is a small piece of Russia in Central Europe with a second port for the navy, which does not freeze in winter, it is a strictly militarized zone, neighboring with Poland and Lithuania, only 70 km from Belarus, which is in the customs union with Russia. Continue reading

Azzurri avanti a Parigi, Berrettini e Seppi su tutti

article by Giorgio Mitolo, video by Rosanna Colavecchia

PARIGI – Altra giornata felice per i colori del tennis azzurro, quella vissuta ieri a Parigi. Sono state infatti quattro le vittorie su sei incontri disputati dai ragazzi e dalle ragazze che rappresentano l’Italia in uno dei tornei storicamente più importanti al mondo, il Roland Garros, in corso di svolgimento
nella capitale francese. Continue reading

Ford, escolas fechadas até setembro

article by Mariella Policheni, translation and video by Luis Aparicio

Doug Ford parece inflexível. As escolas vão permanecer fechadas até ao outono. Isso é o que fontes revelaram à CTV News Toronto: membros do comité de planeamento e prioridades do governo reuniram na segunda-feira e decidiram não permitir a reabertura das escolas nas últimas semanas do ano letivo, mesmo numa base regional. Continue reading

Mukha Baybi

Noon isang araw nakarinig ako nang kuwento na hindi maganda. May isang lolo na binisita ang kanyang apo na 18 buwan lang ang idad. Nakatayo siya sa may pintuan at parati siyang naka maskara. Sa sandaling ibinaba niya ang maskara niya sa baba para uminom nang tubig, ang 18 buwan gulang ay umiyak sa takot. Iyon ang unang kita noon baybi sa kanyang lolo na walang maskara. Noong nakaraan na taon, iyon baybi ay nasanay na makakita nang tao na palaging may maskara. Continue reading

Italian study: this is how the sun destroys Covid

Article by Corriere Canadese’s staff

“We have shown that Uva and Uvb rays of the sun in a matter of tens of seconds completely kill Sars-Cov-2”. This was stated by Mario Clerici, professor of general pathology at the State University of Milan and scientific director of the Irccs of Milan Foundation Don Gnocchi, author, together with the research group of the National Institute of Astrophysics, of an all-Italian study published yesterday. Continue reading

“Baby Faces”

The other day, I heard a troubling story.  A grandfather went to visit his 18-month-old grandchild.  He stood by the door and wore his mask all throughout.  The minute he brought his mask down to his chin to drink from a glass of water, the 18-month-old cried out in terror.  It was the first time he had seen his grandfather without a mask.  In the past year, the baby had been accustomed to seeing people only with masks on. Continue reading

În Ontario, 699 de noi infectați și 9 decese

article by Giorgio Mitolo, translation and video by Cristiana Petrescu

TORONTO – Canada a atins ieri un numar de infectii de 1.382.822, cu o creștere de 2213 in ultimele 24 de ore. Victimele la scară națională au atins ieri 25.565 de decese, cu 37 mai multe decât luni. În Canada, un total de 1.325.065 de persoane s-au vindecat ieri de coronavirus. Continue reading

Presión sobre el gobierno para reabrir en medio de la reorganización y el colapso del consenso

article by Francesco Veronesi, translation and video by Lisa Picerno

Aumenta la presión sobre el gobierno por aliviar las restricciones en Ontario. Con los datos que confirman que la tercera ola de la pandemia ahora está disminuyendo: ayer solo hubo 699 casos nuevos, cifra más baja desde octubre del 2020 – las solicitudes de una aceleración de la reapertura también de la economía provincial comparado con el cronograma, y ​​extremadamente cauteloso, presentado la semana pasada por Doug Ford y el Ministro de Salud Christine Elliott. Continue reading