Toronto History Museums launches new virtual Indigenous Peoples Month Programming

Photo credit: Toronto History Museums, “A portrait in Red” by filmmaker Alex Lazarowich.

The official launch of Indigenous Peoples Month at Toronto History Museums, a group of 10 museums owned and operated by the City of Toronto, took place this Tuesday (June 1).

The month-long online celebration will include tours, a culinary program, a shop experience that includes products from Indigenous artists and authors, and film and dance performances by emerging and established artists.

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Premier Ford urged to reopen the economy

TORONTO – Pressure is growing on the government to loosen restrictions in Ontario. With data confirming that the third wave of the pandemic is now in the drips – yesterday there were only 699 new cases, the lowest since October 2020 – there are increasing demands for an acceleration of the reopening of the provincial economy also compared to the extremely prudent roadmap presented last week by Doug Ford and The Minister of Health Christine Elliott. Continue reading

No Ontário, 916 novos infetados e mais 13 mortes

article by Giorgio Mitolo, translation and video by Luis Aparicio

O Canadá atingiu ontem a marca de 1 380 609 casos positivos à Covid-19 (desde o início da pandemia), um aumento de mais 2200 casos do que nas últimas 24 horas. O número de vítimas – em todo o país – chegou ontem a um total de 25 528 mortes, mais 22 do que no domingo. Continue reading

Taon Retirado

Ang manunulat na si Sara Gruen nang “Water Elephant” sinulat “na ang pag dadala nang iyong pan labas na panigin na mayroon ka pang sinasabi ay mahirap pero mahalaga.” Sino ba ang gumawa sasalitang “Ang pagtanda ay regalo” ay maaring mayroon pang ilalabas sa pananalita subalit matanda bata o may edad ay sa sangayon sa akin kapatid sinabi ko na maari mayroon ka pang ilalabas na itinatago pero kadalasan itong katagian ito ay isang monumentong trabaho para sa isang tao. Continue reading

At What Age Would You be Retiring?

Filipino elderly celebrating her 80th birthday in the Philippines.
The author Sara Gruen in “Water for Elephants” wrote, “Keeping up the appearance of having your marbles is hard work, but important”.
Whoever coined the phrase “Aging is a gift” may still have all his marbles, so to speak, but any elderly, junior or senior, will agree with me when I say that keeping up appearances to possess these marbles is oftentimes a monumental task for the person.

Wyższa niż zwykle liczba pyłków w powietrzu powoduje więcej alergii w tym roku w Kanadzie

Photo Credit: Aerobiology Research Laboratories

Wiele osób, które cierpią na alergię zapewne zauważyło w tym roku zwiększone jej objawy w porównaniu do ubiegłego. Okazuje się, że doprowadził do tego wyższy niż normalnie poziom pyłków w powietrzu w niektórych częściach Kanady.

Szczególnie silna eksplozja pyłków nastąpiła w południowym Ontario i Quebecu. Zauważyć się dała cienka warstwa żółtego pyłku, która pokryła większość Toronto, Ottawy i Montrealu. Mogliśmy zauważyć wyjątkowo dużą ilość pyłków na naszych samochodach, być może największą od niepamiętnych czasów. Continue reading