Pag sakay sa eroplano ay mapaganib para sa manunulat

Himpapawid na pag lipad para gumamit ay malaking pag babago mula noong 9/11. Maga papaalisin na pasahero ay kaylagan dumating sa airport dalawa o tatlong oras bago dumating ang oras nang pag lipad nang kanilang eroplano at dadaan nang tatlong sikkurity tanggal ang sapatos, dadaan sa makina para sa katawan na iskreen, bagahe na pag iskan, pag tatalo get nang imigrasion opisyal bago makapunta sa naka asaia na pintuan na kadalasan ay nasakabila nang parte nang paliparan. Kabang kasalukuyan nasa himpapawid ang huling marinig nang pasahero ay mayroon na posibleng bomba ang eroplano. Ito ang nangyari sa Ryanair noon 23 nang Mayo 2021. Continue reading

Air Travel Proving Risky for Journalists

Air travel since 9/11 has changed. Departing passengers arrive at the airport 2 to 3 hours before their flights, go through an average of 3 security checks, remove their footwear, go through body scans, luggage scans, interviews by the immigration officials, before proceeding to their assigned gates which can be located at the opposite side of the airport. During inflight, the last thing a traveller needs to know is that the plane has a possible bomb in it. This was what happened to Ryanair on May 23rd, 2021. Continue reading

Deb Schulte: “Un momento histórico apasionante”

article by Mariella Policheni, translation and video by Lisa Picerno

El tan esperado perdón oficial finalmente ha terminado. Ayer, como prometió en 2019, el primer ministro canadiense, Justin Trudeau, pidió disculpas a los italo-canadienses por el internamiento sufrido en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Más de 600 Italo-canadienses fueron internados después de que Italia declarara la guerra a los Aliados en 1940, mientras que 31.000 perdidos fueron reportados como “enemigos extranjeros”. Continue reading

Wyciekły dane blisko miliona klientów Canada Post

Chyba już nikogo nie dziwią dziwne telefony z reklamą na telefony domowe i cel. Skąd dzwoniący mogą brać dane? Numery telefonów i adresy email? Adresy domowe wraz z nazwiskami i adresy biznesowe wraz z nazwami firm mogą zostać wykorzystane do najróżniejszych celów. W połączeniu z czarnym rynkiem internetu – dark internet pozorny wyciek danych może być bardzo niebezpieczny. Continue reading

Fast 1 Million Canada Post-Kundendaten sind durchgesickert

Ich glaube nicht, dass jemand von seltsamen Telefonanrufen mit Werbung auf Privat- und Mobiltelefonen überrascht ist. Woher können Anrufer die Daten beziehen? Wie wäre es mit Telefonnummern und E-Mail-Adressen? Privatadressen mit Nachnamen und Geschäftsadressen mit Firmennamen können für eine Vielzahl von Zwecken verwendet werden. In Kombination mit dem Internet-Schwarzmarkt – dem dunklen Internet – kann das offensichtliche Datenleck sehr gefährlich sein. Continue reading

Almost 1 Million Canada Post customers’ data leaked

I don’t think anyone is surprised by strange phone calls with advertising on home and cell phones. Where can callers get the data from? How about telephone numbers and email addresses? Home addresses with surnames and business addresses with company names can be used for a variety of purposes. In combination with the internet black market – the dark internet, the apparent data leak can be very dangerous. Continue reading