Covid, Canada’s provinces amid restrictions and loosening

TORONTO – Canada is a two-speed country during this Covid pandemic: while in some provinces there is tentative evidence of loosening restrictions, in others further restrictions are implemented to stem the spread of the virus.

Ontario, as Premier Doug Ford announced last Thursday, will reopen in three steps at 21-day intervals: phase one is expected to begin on June 14. Continue reading

In Ontario 1,039 new infected and 33 more deaths

A paramedic transports a patient to Mount Sinai Hospital as the number of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases continues to grow in Toronto, Ontario, Canada April 17, 2020. REUTERS/Carlos Osorio

In Ontario 1TORONTO – May 25, 2021: Canada stood yesterday at 1,364,729 positives for Covid-19, an increase of 3,165 more cases than in the previous 24 hours. The number of victims – nationwide – yesterday reached 25,314 total deaths, 72 more than on Monday. Continue reading

Belarus hat ein irisches Passagierflugzeug, das von Griechenland nach Litauen fliegt, gezwungen, in Minsk zu landen

Am Sonntag ereignete sich eine beispiellose Situation, als ein Flug der irischen Fluggesellschaft Ryanair FR4978, der von Athen in Griechenland nach Vilnius in Litauen flog, “gezwungen” wurde, in Weißrussland zu landen. Das Flugzeug befand sich im Luftraum von Belarus, nur etwa 10 km von der Grenze zu Litauen entfernt, als es die Route änderte und in Richtung Minsk, der Hauptstadt von Belarus, abbog. Continue reading

Białoruś zmusiła do lądowania w Mińsku irlandzki samolot pasażerski lecący z Grecji na Litwę


W niedzielę miejsce miała bezprecedensowa sytuacja, kiedy to samolot irlandzkiej linii lotniczej Ryanair rejs FR4978 (zdjęcie) lecący z Aten w Grecji do Wilna na Litwie został „zmuszony” do lądowania na Białorusi. Samolot znajdował się w przestrzeni powietrznej Białorusi zaledwie ok. 10 km (6 mil) od granicy z Litwą, kiedy zmienił trasę i skręcił w kierunku Mińska, stolicy Białorusi. Continue reading

Belarus has forced an Irish passenger plane flying from Greece to Lithuania to land in Minsk

On Sunday, an unprecedented situation took place, when – according to international press agencies – an Irish airline Ryanair flight FR4978 flying from Athens in Greece to Vilnius in Lithuania was “forced” to land in Belarus. The plane was in the airspace of Belarus only about 10 km (6 miles) from the border with Lithuania when it changed route and turned towards Minsk, the capital of Belarus. Continue reading

A doua doză de vaccin – între marșurile de protest și dorința de normalitate

Autor: FRANCESCO VERONESI — Video: Cristiana Petrescu 

TORONTO – În timp ce vaccinarea în masă se desfășoară conform programului, dorința de a reveni la normal crește după un an și jumătate de pandemie, petrecuta între blocaje și restricții. Și această dorință de normalitate, cel puțin deocamdată, se ciocnește cu precauția necesară cu care guvernul provincial a decis să redeschidă economia din Ontario. Continue reading

Enigma da segunda dose entre marchas de protesto e o desejo de normalidade

Por Francesco Veronesi — Video: Luis Aparicio

TORONTO — Enquanto a vacinação em massa segue o plano em curso, cresce a vontade de um regresso ao normal depois de um ano e meio de pandemia, vivido entre confinamentos e restrições. E esse desejo de normalidade, pelo menos por enquanto, esbarra na necessária cautela com que o governo provincial decidiu reabrir a economia do Ontário. Continue reading