টিডিএসবি সেপ্টেম্বরে শারীরিক উপস্থিতিতে ক্লাসের পরিকল্পনা করছে

টরন্টো, মে ২০: আসছে সেপ্টেম্বরে টরন্টো ডিস্ট্রিক্ট স্কুল বোর্ড (টিডিএসবি) কিভাবে তাদের শিক্ষা কার্যক্রম পরিচালনা করবে, সে বিষয়ে ইতিমধ্যে বার্তা পাঠাতে শুরু করেছে। তারই সর্বশেষ একটি আজ পাঠিয়েছে, যাতে শিক্ষার্থীরাসহ স্টাফ ও অভিভাবকদের কৌতুহলোদ্দীপক প্রশ্ন সংক্রান্ত বিষয়ে সবিশেষ আলোকপাত করেছে। Continue reading

A capsule buried with the messages of the children “at the time of the coronavirus”: it will be reopened in 2071

BUTTAPIETRA (Verona) – A capsule containing thoughts written “at the time of the coronavirus”, to pass on the memory of these difficult days and make it clear, to those who will be there, how difficult it was to live them, especially for the most defenseless: children, young people, for whom the pandemic was (and is) the period of “without”, without friends, without hugs, without sport. Continue reading

Sotterrata una capsula con i messaggi dei ragazzi “al tempo del coronavirus”: sarà riaperta nel 2071

BUTTAPIETRA (Verona) – Una capsula contenente pensieri scritti “al tempo del coronavirus”, per tramandare la memoria di questi giorni difficili e far capire, a chi ci sarà, quanto è stato difficile viverli, soprattutto per i più indifesi: i bambini, i ragazzi, per i quali la pandemia è stata (ed è) il periodo dei “senza”, senza amici, senza abbracci, senza sport. Continue reading

Lanciata dai genitori una raccolta fondi per il Sick Kids in memoria di Jax e Anaya

TORONTO – La famiglia di Jax e Anaya, i due bambini investiti  e uccisi a Vaughan, ha dato il via a una raccolta fondi in loro onore. Le parole che accompagnano l’iniziativa lanciata attraverso la SickKids Foundation, descrivono i bambini – un maschietto di 4 anni e una bambina di dieci – come “affettuosi, spiriti liberi e senza paura.”

Vacuna, para desatar el nudo AstraZeneca y la segunda dosis

Articulo escrito por Francesco Veronesi – Video: Lisa Picerno

Mientras la vacunación avanza en pleno proceso, Ontario aún no ha desatado el nodo AstraZeneca. El problema es que poco menos de medio millón de dosis producidas por el consorcio anglo-sueco tendrán que ser utilizadas a finales de mes, con el plazo fijado para el 31 de mayo. Todavía no hay certeza sobre este controvertido tema. Continue reading

Vaccinuri , rezolvarea dilemei AstraZeneca și doza a doua

Autor – Franceco Veronesi — Video: Cristiana Petrescu

TORONTO – În timp ce vaccinarea se desfășoară fără probleme, Ontario încă nu a rezolvat dilema vccinului AstraZeneca. Problema este reprezentată de faptul că puțin sub o jumătate de milion de doze produse de consorțiul anglo-suedez vor trebui utilizate până la sfârșitul lunii: termenul este 31 mai. Încă nu există certitudini cu privire la aceasta problema controversată. Continue reading

Canada Post opens second onsite vaccination clinic

TORONTO – With an influx of vaccine supply, pop-up clinics appear to be springing up all over the place. Such is the case at Canada Post (CPC). The Canada Post Corporation (CPC), together with the Ministry of Ontario and public health partners will begin to offer onsite vaccines to its employees, and their families, at the Gateway facility (4567 Dixie Rd., Mississauga), starting today (May 21).

This is the second onsite clinic for CPC employees, but the first to include their family members. On May 18, a two-day mobile clinic offered vaccines to CPC workers at a facility in Toronto. Continue reading