She gives birth in prison at the age of 17 with the help of police officers

PONTREMOLI (Massa Carrara) – She gave birth in prison, at the age of 17, helped by police officers who became obstetricians. And everything went well: the girl is fine, the newborn – a girl weighing no less than 3 kilos and 200 grams – as well. A beautiful story, with a happy ending, within the walls of the Women’s Penal Institute of Pontremoli, a village in the province of Massa Carrara, in Italy, which mainly young female prisoners of foreign origin. Continue reading

Partorisce in carcere a 17 anni con l’aiuto delle agenti penitenziarie

PONTREMOLI (Massa Carrara) – Ha partorito in carcere, a soli 17 anni, aiutata dalle agenti di polizia penitenziarie che si sono improvvisate ostetriche. Ed è andato tutto bene: la ragazzina sta bene, la neonata – una bimba di ben 3 chili e 200 grammi – pure. Una bella storia, a lieto fine, fra le mura dell’Istituto penale minorile femminile di Pontremoli, borgo in provincia di Massa Carrara, che ospita prevalentemente ragazze di origine straniera. Continue reading

Canada Post to open second onsite vaccination clinic

With an influx of vaccine supply, pop-up clinics appear to be springing up all over the place. Such is the case at Canada Post (CP). The Canada Post Corporation (CPC), together with the Ministry of Ontario and public health partners will begin to offer onsite vaccines to its employees, and their families, at the Gateway facility (4567 Dixie Rd., Mississauga), starting tomorrow, May 21. Continue reading

আদম ব্যবসায় ২ জনকে গ্রেফতার করেছে টরন্টো পুলিশ

টরন্টো, মে ২০: টরন্টো পুলিশ আদম ব্যবসার এক অনুসন্ধান পরিচালনায় সংশ্লিষ্ট ১১টি অভিযোগে একজন পুরুষ ও মহিলাকে গ্রেফতার করেছে, সে কথা এক সংবাদ বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে গতকাল জানিয়েছে Continue reading

NDP do Ontário quer inquérito público sobre a resposta da província à pandemia

Por Mariella Policheni — Video: Luis Aparicio

“As pessoas têm o direito de saber o que o governo de Ford fez certo e o que fez errado”. Isto foi o que a líder do NDP, Andrea Horwath, disse ontem de manhã, durante uma conferência de imprensa realizada em frente ao Queen’s Park, durante a qual ela pediu um inquérito judicial independente sobre a resposta do governo à pandemia da Covid-19. Continue reading