En Ontario, 1.588 nuevos infectados y 19 muertes

Articulo escrito por Giorgio Mitolo – Video: Lisa Picerno

Canadá alcanzó ayer 1.3 mil casos positivos, con un aumento de 2,500 casos, más que en las 24 horas anteriores. Las víctimas -a escala nacional- alcanzaron la cuota de ayer 25.000 muertes en general, 30 más que el día de martes. En Canadá ayer fueron 1.2 mil casos en total que se recuperaron del coronavirus. Ontario alcanzó ayer 500,000 casos positivos en general, con un aumento de 1,500 nuevos casos en comparación con el martes, el número diario más bajo de nuevos infectados registrado desde el pasado 24 de marzo. Continue reading

Propunerea Uniunii Europene privind vaccinurile: exporturi și licențe obligatorii

Video: Cristiana Petrescu

BRUXELLES – Uniunea Europeană își va prezenta propunerea Organizației Mondiale a Comerțului de a crește producția de vaccinuri anti-Covid și de a facilita ca tarile sa aiba acces la ele in mod egal. Acest lucru a fost anunțat de vicepreședintele executiv al Comisiei Europene, Valdis Dombrovskis, în discursul său adresat Parlamentului European cu privire la derogarea de la proprietatea intelectuală a vaccinurilor.

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İzinsiz giris yapanlara ne yapacağız? Onları dışarı atmak makul

Translation & Video: Betul Sarikaya

Toronto Katolik Bölge Okul Yönetim Kurulu (TCDSB) mütevelli heyeti, Kardinal’e “dikkatli dinlemesini” söylediğinde, bir reddedilme fırtınasiyla karsilastilar. Halk, dini ve yasal haklarının giriş seviyesi politikacılar tarafından gasp edilmesine itiraz ediyor gibi görünüyor. Continue reading

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of May 19, 2021 at 6:45pm EST.

On Wednesday, Germany logged 11,881 new Covid-19 cases. Since the onset of the pandemic, a total of 3,627,777 confirmed cases have been reported in the country, surpassing that of Spain.

Globally, over 164 million cases have confirmed positive for Covid-19 according to Johns Hopkins University data. Since the start of the pandemic, over 145 million people have recovered. Fatalities attributable to Covid-19 now surpass 3.4 million worldwide.

Ontario NDP wants public inquiry into province’s pandemic response

 “People have a right to know what the Ford government got right and what il got wrong.” This is what NDP leader Andrea Horwath said yesterday morning, during a press conference held in front of Queen’s Park, during which she called for an independent judicial inquiry into the government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. “A judicial inquiry is absolutely necessary – said Horwath – it is necessary because we no longer want to see a government that makes a health emergency like the one we have experienced worse rather than better. The bottom line is that we can’t move forward without providing clear answers to Ontarians, without bringing them justice.” Continue reading

Light at the end of the tunnel, the risk is to lower your guard too soon

TORONTO – In Ontario, we are entering the most delicate phase of this long, exhausting, never-ending battle against Covid-19. Virologists and experts point out that how the exit from the third wave will lay the foundations for the developments of the pandemic. In essence, we are at a crossroads: if we are able to comply with health and safety protocols, we could avoid a potential fourth wave. Continue reading