Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of May 16, 2021 at 7:00pm EST.

On Sunday, the UK reported its lowest daily case count in just over one week. In the last 24-hours, health officials recorded 1,926 new infections. More that 96% of all confirmed positive cases in the country have recovered. The highest rate among most European countries. Continue reading

Pressing on vaccines, over 37 million doses by June

TORONTO – Progress in the immunization campaign against Covid-19. While vaccination continues non-stop in Ontario and other provinces, at the federal level the Ministry of Health has confirmed the exponential growth in vaccine supplies for this May and June. According to Health Canada data, more than 37 million doses are expected to arrive in Canada between May and June, a quantity that will allow individual provinces and territories to comply with the roadmap established in recent months. Continue reading

The 76th Anniversary of the liberation of Mauthausen-Gusen, an international ceremony

This year, people around the world commemorate the 76th anniversary of the liberation of Mauthausen-Gusen Concentration Camp (Gusen, Austria).

Over the weekend, Poland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Zbigniew Rau issued a statement to participants commemorating the event on May 15 and 16. “Former prisoners, of whom only a handful are still alive, and along with them, Poland and other countries, have been consistently calling for years, for a dignified commemoration of the victims of the Gusen camp”.

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Let’s Start Building Today!

When COVID-19 has passed and life resumes to normal, the Canadian economy is unlikely to grow without further stimulus. At that point, the federal government may resort to typical stimulus tactics during recessions of infrastructure funding. I believe this is Canada’s big opportunity to build large infrastructure projects such as pipelines and public transit, but it should also be bold and fund the construction of new hospitals and schools. Continue reading