“Öffne diese Kirche!” Die Menschen unterstützen Artur Pawłowski, einen polnischen Pastor in Calgary

Was hat eine maskierte tanzende Stripperin mit Ramadan, Netflix, Marihuana-Käufer, einem Fitnessstudio, einem bei Amazon gekauften T-Shirt und der Kirche des polnischen Pastors Arthur Pawłowski in Calgary gemeinsam?

Screen Shot of Scott's Kernaghan post on Twitter
Screen Shot of Scott’s Kernaghan post on Twitter

Am Montag wurde ein polnischer Pastor in Calgary, Artur Pawłowski, aus dem Gefängnis entlassen. Am Samstag wurde er verhaftet, weil er Continue reading

„Otworzyć Ten Kościół!” Ludzie wspierają Artura Pawłowskiego, polskiego pastora w Calgary

Co łączy tańczącą striperkę w maseczce z Ramadanem, Netflixem, kupującym marihuanę, siłownią, koszulką z Amazona i kościołem polskiego pastora Artura Pawłowskiego w Calgary?

Screen Shot of Scott's Kernaghan post on Twitter
Screen Shot of Scott’s Kernaghan post on Twitter

W poniedziałek na wolność wyszedł polski pastor w Calgary, Artur Pawłowski, który w sobotę był aresztowany za Continue reading

High schools, year divided into ‘quadmester’

The next school year in Ontario’s high schools will also be divided into ‘quadmester’. That’s what Toronto District School Board (TDSB) spokesman Ryan Bird said. “The Ministry of Education has ordered all school boards, including the TDSB, to follow a program that emphasizes as much as possible the division into groups of students, which translates into the “quadmester model” Continue reading

Festival de Curtas da União Europeia de 27 a 29 de maio

Uma viagem pela Europa através de 21 curtas-metragens

Portugal participa com a curta-metragem Som e Fúria (Nha Mila)

A oitava edição do Festival Anual de Curtas-Metragens da União Europeia, regressa em formato virtual pelo segundo ano consecutivo. Este evento online é apresentado em colaboração com a delegação da União Europeia no Canadá e as embaixadas e institutos culturais dos Estados membros da UE participantes. Continue reading

Mixing COVID-19 vaccine doses increases mild symptoms but it is safe

TORONTO – Canada and Ontario are still grappling with the AstraZeneca node. The vaccine, although still considered safe by both Health Canada and the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (Naci) has been suspended as a precaution in some provinces of our country. In Ontario, as explained this week by Chief Medical Officer David Williams, the provisional stop was decided for two reasons: on the one hand the necessary caution pending new data on adverse reactions, on the other hand the lack of new supplies due to the announced delays in deliveries. Continue reading