Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of May 11, 2021 at 5:00pm EST.

In the last 24-hours, India’s health officials recorded an additional 348,501 cases, a slight dip from record-highs of more than 400,000 daily new infections earlier month. Since yesterday, the country added another 4,200 Covid-related deaths, the highest single-day death count since the start of the pandemic.

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In Ontario 2,073 new infected and 15 more deaths

TORONTO – May 11, 2021: Canada stood yesterday at 1,297,395 positives for Covid-19, an increase of 3,209 more cases than in the previous 24 hours. The number of victims – nationwide – yesterday reached 24,706 total deaths, 24 more than on Monday. In Canada yesterday the number of recovered people from the coronavirus stood at 1,194,022. Ontario yesterday reached 497,092 overall positives, an increase of 2,073 new cases compared to Monday, the lowest number of new since last March 24. The total number of victims in Ontario has meanwhile risen to 8,342, with 15 more deaths than the previous day. Continue reading

Covid deaths in Canada, out of 24,402 only 400 under 50

TORONTO – Covid-19 in Canada has claimed more lives among older people, while contagion has affected all demographics in the country. The further confirmation comes from the latest data recorded by, where the development of the epidemiological curve in Canada and the various provinces is monitored through the control of the main indicators such as the number of people infected, hospitalizations, intensive care admissions and deaths. Continue reading

STUDIU – Medicamentele antiinflamatoare nu cresc mortalitatea cauzata de Covid

TORONTO – Medicamentele antiinflamatoare nonsteroidice (AINS), cum ar fi ibuprofenul, „nu cresc mortalitatea” pentru Covid-19 și „nici măcar severitatea bolii”. Aceasta este concluzia  celui mai mare studiu realizat până acum pe pacienți spitalizați cu boala cauzată de coronavirusul Sars-CoV-2 și publicat în „The Lancet Rheumatology”. Continue reading

Restrições Covid-19: governo na dúvida para reabrir a economia

 Por FRANCESCO VERONESI — Video: Luis Aparicio

TORONTO – Começar com um processo gradual de reabertura da economia ou seguir em frente com as duras restrições anti-Covid? Este é o nó que o governo provincial terá de desatar nos próximos dias, tendo em conta o fim do prazo da atual obrigação de ficar em casa – que no Ontário termina no dia 20 de maio – e a paralela longa lista de medidas restritivas colocadas em prática, em abril, para fazer frente ao aumento dos casos. Continue reading