Information as a Public Good

Full-page ad by Washington Post Press Freedom Partnership highlighting Austin Tice on May 3rd, 2021

World Press Freedom Day, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, was observed on May 3rd this year. This year’s theme is the title of this piece. It serves as “a call to affirm the importance of cherishing information as a public good, and exploring what can be done in the production, distribution and reception of content to strengthen journalism, and to advance transparency and empowerment while leaving no one behind”. The Washington Post marked the day with Austin Tice in its full-page ad. Continue reading

Archdiocese of Toronto sends strong message to Ontario Catholic Boards. The Cross is the fundamental Catholic symbol

A strong statement from Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto to Catholic school boards on the issue of flying the Pride flag outside school board offices during the month of June sets the record straight.

The cross outside of Catholic schools and any Catholic church, hospital or institution, signals our commitment that all who enter the building are welcomed and loved in their beauty and uniqueness as children of God,”  states the letter released yesterday. Continue reading

Kanada bereitet die Standardisierung der Impfstoffzertifizierung für internationale Reisen vor

Viele von uns freuen sich auf diesen Moment, in dem wir wieder in das Flugzeug steigen und einen Traumurlaub im Ausland verbringen oder unsere Familie aus dem Ausland in Kanada aufnehmen können.

Immune Passport
Immune Passport

Während sich die Europäische Union und die Vereinigten Staaten ab dieser Sommersaison auf eine gegenseitige Öffnung für den Touristenverkehr einigen, hat Kanada Continue reading

Governo federal quer posicionar Canadá como líder global em cibersegurança

Novo programa com investimento de 80 milhões de dólares em quatro anos

Com a economia digital a registar um crescimento rápido, acelerado pela pandemia COVID-19, a cibersegurança é uma preocupação cada vez maior para os canadianos e empresas. Consciente dessa realidade, o governo federal anunciou esta quinta-feira o novo Cyber Security Innovation Network program, um investimento federal de 80 milhões de dólares para os próximos quatro anos. Continue reading