Federal government wants to position Canada as a global leader in cybersecurity

New program with investment of $80 million over four years

With the digital economy continuing to grow rapidly, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, cybersecurity is an ever-increasing concern for Canadians and businesses. Aware of this reality, the federal government announced this Thursday the new Cyber Security Innovation Network program, a federal investment of $80 million over four years. Continue reading

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of May 4, 2021 at 5:15pm EST.

As vaccinations efforts continue across the UK, more than 50 million doses have been administered into the arms of citizens. Thus far 95.7% of all confirmed positive cases have recovered. In the last 24-hours, the country’s health officials recorded 1,946 new infections, a slight increase from the previous day’s report.

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Kanada przygotowuje się do standaryzowania certyfikacji szczepionek dla podróży międzynarodowych

Wielu z nas wyczekuje tego momentu, kiedy znów będziemy mogli wsiąść do samolotu i polecieć na wymarzone wakacje za granicę, bądź gościć naszą rodzinę zza granicy w Kanadzie.

Immune Passport
Immune Passport

Podczas kiedy Unia Europejska i Stany Zjednoczone dogadują się w sprawie wzajemnego otwarcia dla ruchu turystycznego już od tego sezonu letniego, Kanada dopiero Continue reading