অটোয়ার ২,০০০ পরিদর্শক চাই, থাকছে বাড়ী মালিকদের জন্য ৫ হাজার ডলারের অনুদান
টরন্টো, মে ১৮: নিউ গ্রীন হোম রেনোভেশন কার্যক্রমের অধীনে জ্বালানি তদারকির ক্ষেত্রে কানাডার কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার অতিরিক্ত ২,০০০ পরিদর্শককে প্রশিক্ষণ দিতে আগ্রহী এবং সেজন্য বাড়ী মালিকদের প্রয়োজনীয় সংস্কার সাধনে ৫ হাজার ডলারের অনুদান দেয়ারও প্রতিশ্রুতি ব্যক্ত করা হয়েছে । Continue reading→
On May 27, an official apology for the Interment of Italian Canadians during WWII
TORONTO – It was a long, painful and troubled birth. But eventually, after 70 years, the Canadian government will make an official apology for the internment of hundreds of Italian Canadians during World War II. The official date is May 27, 2021: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as promised in 2019, will recite the mea culpa, attempting to heal a wound that has remained open in the community for decades. Continue reading→
Vaccines and reopening, Premier Ford ready to loosen the restrictions
TORONTO – With the immunization campaign continuing to travel at full capacity, the provincial government is ready to loosen anti-Covid restrictions. According to the commission’s roadmap, the measures currently in force will remain so until 2 June. Continue reading→
Die Hausverkäufe in Toronto gingen im April um 12,5% zurück
Nach den neuesten Informationen, die gerade von der Canadian Real Estate Association veröffentlicht wurden, gingen die Hausverkäufe im April gegenüber März um 12,5% zurück, was wiederum einen Rekordanstieg verzeichnete. Continue reading→
Home sales in Toronto fell 12.5% in April
According to the latest information just released by the Canadian Real Estate Association, home sales in April fell by 12.5% compared to March, which in turn observed record increases. Continue reading→
Sprzedaż domów w Toronto w kwietniu poszła o 12,5% w dół
Według najświeższych informacji podanych właśnie przez stowarzyszenie Canadian Real Estate Association sprzedaż domów w kwietniu spadła o 12,5% w porównaniu do marca, który z kolei zanotował rekordowe wzrosty. Continue reading→
Todos os adultos no Ontário podem agendar a vacinação a partir de hoje
Por Francesco Veronesi – V ideo: Luis Aparicio
Avanço na campanha de vacinação da Covid-19 no Ontário. A partir de hoje, todos os adultos que moram no Ontário poderão marcar a sua consulta de vacinação, independentemente da área da província em que residam. Até agora, o limite mínimo de idade só não se aplicava às 114 áreas do Ontário consideradas como hotspots, áreas onde a incidência de contágio era maior do que no resto da província. Continue reading→
Vaccines, another case of overdose in Italy: 4 doses instead of 1 to a woman, “but she’s fine”
LIVORNO – Four doses instead of one were administered to a woman in a vaccination center in Livorno, Tuscany (Italy). Continue reading→
Vaccini, un altro caso di sovradosaggio in Italia: 4 dosi invece di 1 ad una donna, “ma sta bene”
LIVORNO – Quattro dosi di vaccino invece di una sono state somministrate ad una donna in un centro vaccinale di Livorno, in Toscana. A ricevere il sovradosaggio, come spiegano dalla locale Asl, una donna di 67 anni che però sarebbe in buone condizioni di salute. Continue reading→