Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of May 1, 2021 at 5:30pm EST.

The total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in Germany surpass 3.4 million. In the last 24-hours, the country’s health officials reported an additional 13,378 new infections. Since yesterday, the number of Covid-19 related deaths increased by 136, bringing Germany’s total fatalities to 83,678.

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Toronto, eine Schutzstadt für Einwanderer aus der ganzen Welt, wird seine Bewohner ohne Krankenversicherung in Ontario impfen lassen

Am 30. April gab die Stadt Toronto bekannt, dass sie eine Partnerschaft mit dem FCJ Refugee Center und der Access Alliance eingegangen ist, um den offiziellen Weg der OHIP-Kartennummer der Provinz zum Erhalt des Covid-19-Impfstoffs zu umgehen.


Bisher war es Personen ohne OHIP-Karte (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) oder Personen mit abgelaufenen Visa, Continue reading

Toronto, a sanctuary city for immigrants from around the world, will provide vaccination to its residents without Ontario Health Insurance Plan

On April 30, the city of Toronto announced that it was partnering with the FCJ Refugee Center and Access Alliance to bypass the official provincial OHIP card-number based road to receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.


Until now, it has not been possible for people without an Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card or those with expired cards i.e., so called “undocumented workers” to register for the vaccination. Continue reading

Toronto, miasto sanktuarium dla emigrantów z całego świata, zapewni szczepionki dla swoich mieszkańców bez ubezpieczenia i z nieudokumentowanym pobytem

30 kwietnia miasto Toronto ogłosiło, że nawiązuje współpracę z organizacją FCJ Refugee Centre and Access Alliance, aby móc ominąć oficjalną, państwową, numerkową drogę w kierunku otrzymania szczepionki przeciw Covid-19.City_Hall_Toronto_Ontario

Do tej pory niemożliwe było zarejestrowanie się w systemie po szczepionkę dla osób nieposiadających karty ubezpieczenia zdrowia w prowincji Ontario – OHIP (Ontario Heath Insurance Plan), lub osób z kartami, które straciły ważność. Continue reading

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of April 30, 2021 at 6:15pm EST.

India sets a new global record as the country reports 402,110 new infections in the last 24-hours. This is the highest single-day increase since the onset of the pandemic. The devastating surge in cases has overwhelmed the country’s healthcare system and the death toll continues to rise. Since yesterday, the number of Covid-related deaths increased by 3,522, bringing India’s total fatalities to 211,835.

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