Ontario Introduces Legislation to Take Action Against Stunt Driving and Street Racing

TORONTO – The Ontario government is taking strong action to protect road users against unsafe and aggressive driving with the introduction of the Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021, also known as the MOMS Act. The proposed legislation will introduce new measures to combat high-risk driving and improve road safety, including longer driver’s licence suspensions and longer vehicle impoundment periods for drivers who engage in stunt driving, street racing and aggressive driving.

The Ontario government introduced the MOMS Act in the legislature earlier today.

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Lea Garza hits the International Music Awards, Sabrina Barreto from Toronto awarded too

Two awards out of eight, and she was the youngest participant: Lea Garza (in the pics above ad below), 12, Italian-Mexican, literally won the “Yesports” International Music Awards organized in China and ended in recent days, winning the “Best Solo Artist” awards and “Favorite Talent Award”: practically the most important awards went to her. Continue reading

Lea Garza sbanca l’International Music Awards, premiata anche Sabrina Barreto di Toronto

Due premi su otto, ed era la partecipante più giovane: Lea Garza (nelle foto sopra e sotto), 12 anni, italo-messicana, ha letteralmente sbancato l’International Music Awards “Yesports” organizzato in Cina e conclusosi nei giorni scorsi, vincendo i premi “Best Solo Artist” e “Favorite Talent Award”: praticamente i riconoscimenti più importanti sono andati a lei. Continue reading

Líderes mundiais prometem cooperação na Cimeira do Clima 2021

TORONTO – Por Priscilla Pajdo

O Canadá assume uma postura mais ousada para acabar com as alterações climáticas. Na Cimeira Internacional sobre o Clima, o primeiro-ministro Justin Trudeau comprometeu-se a reduzir as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa (GEE) em 40-45% abaixo dos níveis de 2005, na próxima década. Continue reading