Polski pastor w Calgary aresztowany
Jak doniósł dzinnik Calgary Herald, aresztowano i postawiono w stan oskarżenia pastora Artura Pawłowskiego po złamaniu przez niego nakazów związanych ze zdrowiem publicznym.
Według informacji podanych przez dziennik z Calgary, pastora Pawłowskiego aresztowano w sobotę, Continue reading→
The Italian-American Tony Di Piazza: “A reward of 50 thousand dollars to those who give news about Denise”
“Who knows, speak up: I’ll give him 50 thousand dollars”. Tony Di Piazza, an Italian-American entrepreneur and former vice president of Palermo Calcio, born in Palermo and resident in New York, has decided to make a reward available to help “put an end to” the painful affair of fellow countrywoman Denise Pipitone. Continue reading→
Festa della mamma, origine e curiosità: come è nata e dove si festeggia
TORONTO – Domenica 9 maggio 2021 è la festa della mamma, una ricorrenza diffusa in tutto il mondo. Se la decisione di dedicare un giorno alle madri è comune a molti Paesi, diversa è però la scelta della giornata in questione, per un evento che si celebra in un momento differente dell’anno a seconda del luogo in cui ci si trova. Diverse sono anche le storie legate all’origine della festa, che nel nostro Paese aveva in passato una data fissa e ora si celebra invece la seconda domenica di maggio. Continue reading→
Honouring Moms on Mother’s Day
In most countries, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It is a day to celebrate motherhood and is observed in north America, most of Europe and several other countries around the world. Continue reading→
L’italo-americano Tony Di Piazza: “Una ricompensa di 50mila dollari a chi darà notizie su Denise”
NEW YORK – “Chi sa, parli: gli darò 50mila dollari”. Tony Di Piazza, imprenditore italo-americano ed ex vicepresidente del Palermo Calcio, originario proprio di Palermo e residente a New York, ha deciso di mettere a disposizione una ricompensa per aiutare a “mettere la parola fine” sulla dolorosa vicenda della conterranea Denise Pipitone. Continue reading→
A significant tribute to the mother of a famed actress!
Toronto, May 9: Today on Mother’s Day, many people in Canada would express their gratitude towards mothers and mother-like figures. It may include step-mothers, mothers-in-law, guardians, such as foster parents and family friends. For such, it is time for people to thank mothers and mother-like figures who took the time to care for them and help them through life’s challenges. Continue reading→
Daily update of Ontario’s Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign
With the largest vaccination campaign underway, the province has administered more than 5.7 million doses into the arms of Ontarians. On May 6, the Ministry of Health reported 141,038 doses administered, up from 132,603 doses the day prior.
মায়ের প্রতি একজন খ্যাতিমান অভিনেত্রীর ভালোবাসা
টরন্টো, মে ৯: আজকের মা দিবসে কানাডায় অনেকেই তাদের মা এবং মা-তুল্য ব্যক্তিত্বকে শ্রদ্ধাভরে স্মরণ করবেন। এতে সন্দেহাতীতভাবে সৎ মা, শাশুড়ি ও অভিভাবক, যেমন দত্তক মা ও বন্ধুতুল্য পরিবার সদস্যরাও যুক্ত হবেন। সেজন্য এ সময়টায় যারা শত প্রতিকূলতায় চ্যালেঞ্জ নিয়েই লালন-পালনের দায়িত্বটি অব্যাহত রেখেছন, তাদের প্রতি মানুষ বিশেষ শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলী জানাবেন। Continue reading→