San Marino, from world “capital” of infections to “Covid-free” thanks to Sputnik
SAN MARINO – From record to record. San Marino, the small Republic nestled between Emilia Romagna and the Marche, in the center of Italy, could soon be a Covid-free state, also thanks to the use of the Russian Sputnik vaccine that was administered here massively, given the delays recorded in the distribution of other vaccines. Continue reading→
Corona variants need annual vaccination like flu, says expert
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Toronto, April 5: Marc-Andre Langlois, a virologist at the University of Ottawa who is in charge of the Coronavirus Variants Rapid Response Network in Canada, said the variant would remain for a long time like influenza and require annual vaccination. Continue reading→
The Pope’s warning worldwide:
“Stop conflicts and wars,
let’s think about vaccines and the poor”
[GTranslate]VATICAN CITY – Stop conflicts, stop wars: let’s think of the poorest and overcome the delays in the distribution of anti-Covid vaccines. This, in a nutshell, is the message of Pope Francis broadcast worldwide from St. Peter’s Basilica on the occasion of Easter. Continue reading→
Governo Federal revela despesa pública de 101,4 mil milhões de dólares
Derrotar a Covid-19, sair da recessão provocada pela pandemia e revitalizar o país, com o objetivo de torná-lo mais próspero e inovador.
Artigo por Francesco Veronesi Continue reading→
The US returns to the front lines in the fight against climate change
Earth day, April 22, is an annual event dedicated to preserving the natural world. It is an international day of attention and activism to demonstrate support for environmental protection.
This year will mark a return to the front lines for US President Joe Biden in the fight against the human contribution to climate change. President Biden will host a two-day virtual Leaders Summit on Climate that coincides with Earth day.
বিশেষজ্ঞের মতে, ইনফ্লুয়েঞ্জার মতো করোনা টিকা ফি বছর নিতে হবে মোহাম্মদ আলী বোখারী, সিএনএমএনজি নিউজ
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টরন্টো, এপ্রিল ৫: করোনা ভেরিয়্যান্ট নিয়ে কানাডায় যে দ্রুত উপশম টিম গড়ে উঠেছে অর্থাৎ ‘করোনাভাইরাস ভেরিয়্যান্টস র্যাপিড রেসপন্স নেটওয়ার্ক’-এর দায়িত্বে নিয়োজিত অটোয়া বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের জীবাণুবিদ মার্ক-আন্দ্রে ল্যাংলোয়িস জানিয়েছেন, ‘রূপান্তরিত জীবাণু বহুকাল থাকবে এবং ইনফ্লুয়েঞ্জার মতো করোনা টিকা ফি বছর নিতে হবে।’ গত ৩ এপ্রিল সিবিসি সম্প্রচারিত ‘দ্য হাউজ’ অনুষ্ঠানে তিনি সে কথা জানান। তার কথা, ‘এটা প্রাদুর্ভাব হিসেবে দেখা দিলেও যেমনটা প্রতি বছর আমরা ফ্লু শট গ্রহণ করি, তেমনটা সে সময়ে রূপান্তরিত জীবাণুর টিকাটি নিতে হবে।’ Continue reading→
Il monito del Papa in mondovisione:
“Basta conflitti e guerre,
pensiamo ai vaccini e ai poveri”
CITTÀ DEL VATICANO – Basta conflitti, stop alle guerre: pensiamo ai più poveri e superiamo i ritardi nella distribuzione dei vaccini anti-Covid. Questo, in estrema sintesi, il messaggio di Papa Francesco trasmesso in mondovisione dalla Basilica di San Pietro in occasione della Pasqua. Continue reading→
San Marino, da “capitale” mondiale dei contagi a “Covid-free” grazie allo Sputnik
SAN MARINO – Di record in record. San Marino, la piccola Repubblica incastonata tra l’Emilia Romagna e le Marche, nel centro dell’Italia, potrebbe essere presto uno Stato Covid-free, anche grazie all’utilizzo del vaccino russo Sputnik che qui è stato somministrato massicciamente, visti i ritardi registrati nella distribuzione degli altri vaccini. Continue reading→
HCDSB در راس تحول که مسئول Religion_x264 است
HCDSB at the cusp of transformation who is in charge of Religion? Continue reading→
Calgary, Alberta: Police entered the Polish Evangelical Church in Calgary during a service.
Police tried to enforce restriction laws in the Covid-19 pandemic, but this was against the law as they did not have a court order. Continue reading→