Ottawa advierte de viajes a Bolivia

Las tensiones en Bolivia no han cesado  tras una semana del encarcelamiento de la expresidenta interina Jeanine Áñez, con marchas oficialistas que repudian el supuesto “golpe de Estado” de 2019 y un cabildo cívico que pide el cese de lo que se considera una “persecución política” contra opositores, por lo que el gobierno canadiense lanzó una advertencia de viaje. Continue reading

The ocean, our climate and weather

Toronto, March 23: Today, with World Meteorological Day looming, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has raised the issue of the ocean crisis. Climate change is having an adverse effect on the oceans, that’s for sure. The climate of the ocean is changing rapidly. The warmth of the sea is increasing with the height of the sea level. The wind on the surface of the ocean is becoming terrible. As a result, natural disasters like Tornadoes, cyclones and hurricanes are increasing, those causes loss of life and property. Continue reading