Calibrating and Recalibrating
I am bilingual. I speak, write and comprehend English and Pilipino languages. Continue reading→
Breton: “Herd immunity by July”
And he shows the EU “health passport”
[GTranslate]Herd immunity in Europe by mid-July and health passport ready in two to three months: this was announced by Thierry Breton, EU commissioner for the internal market and head of the vaccines task force. Continue reading→
Breton: “Immunità di gregge entro luglio”
E mostra il “passaporto sanitario” dell’Ue
Immunità di gregge in Europa entro la metà di luglio e passaporto sanitario pronto in due-tre mesi: lo ha annunciato Thierry Breton, commissario Ue al mercato interno e capo della task force sui vaccini. Continue reading→
Trustees losing faith in their own Board
[GTranslate]If they had taken place in a Parliamentary precinct, Daniel Di Giorgio’s motions at the Catholic school Board’s meeting on Thursday, March 25, would have amounted to a Motion of non-confidence against a minority government. The government either survives those motions, or it collapses and is replaced. In either case, the target of the motion of non-confidence suffers severe reputational damage. Continue reading→
ভারতে ভ্যাকসিন নেওয়ার পর ১৮০ জনের মৃত্যু
টরন্টো, এপ্রিল ১৩: করোনাভাইরাস মহামারিতে সংক্রমণের দ্বিতীয় ঢেউয়ে ভারতে গত এক সপ্তাহে পাঁচবার শনাক্তের রেকর্ড ভেঙেছে। প্রথম ঢেউয়ে দৈনিক শনাক্ত লাখের ঘর না ছাড়ালেও এবার তা ছাড়িয়ে গেছে। Continue reading→
The world’s most environmentally conscious countries
[GTranslate]To be environmentally-friendly or “green”, requires engagement in practices and processes that are sustainable and minimize harmful impacts on the environment. Some countries do it better than others.
According to the 2020 Environmental Performance Index (EPI), formulated by researchers at Yale and Columbia universities, Denmark is rated the “greenest” country in the world. The Nordic nation has the highest EPI score at 82.5. (see graph below) Continue reading→
180 people die after vaccination in India
Toronto, April 13: The second wave of infections through coronavirus pandemic has broken the record of five detection periods in India in the past week. Continue reading→