রাতানসি কি আইন ভাঙ্গতেই আইন প্রণেতা হয়েছেন?

মোহাম্মদ আলী বোখারী, সিএনএমএনজি নিউজ, টরন্টো

আমাদের প্রাত্যহিক জীবনের বিষয়াবলী তুলে ধরাই সমাজবিজ্ঞানের কাজ, তবে সেটা খবরের কাগজের সংবাদ কিংবা সাধারণ জ্ঞান বা গাল-গল্প নয়। সেখানে লৌকিকতাবর্জিত বা ভাঁড় গোষ্ঠীর নেতৃত্ব যেমন প্রতিভাত, তেমনি গোড়া রাজনীতিকের কাছে পৃথিবীটা দ্বৈত বিরোধীতা ছাড়া ভিন্ন কিছু নয়, যদিও উদারপন্থীদের কাছে ভিন্নতাটি দৃশ্যমান। আবার তাতে পরিবার ‘ক্ষুদে সমাজ’ হিসেবে বিবেচিত হলেও থাকে আপন রাজনীতি, অর্থনীতি, মূল্যবোধ ও সংঘাত প্রশমনের উপায়। সেজন্য সমাজবিজ্ঞান সামাজিক সম্পর্কের তত্ত্বকেই উদ্ভাবণ করে। সে কারণে কানাডায় আইন ভেঙ্গেছেন এমন একজন আইন প্রণেতার পরিণতি এ লেখার প্রতিপাদ্য। Continue reading

Has Ratansi become a lawmaker to break the law

Muhammad Ali Bukhari, CNMNG News, Toronto

It is the work of sociology to cover the issues of our daily lives; on the other hand, the task of a newspaper is to gather news, general knowledge or gossip. Just as the leadership of an unorthodox or clownish group is unmasked in the process, so the world is nothing but a dialectic for unschooled politicians, although differences are visible to liberals. Continue reading

The “Montreal all’italiana”
A tribute to the first immigrants

[GTranslate]MONTREAL – There are objects of everyday life, old photos and even faithful reconstructions of traditionally Italian environments such as the bar, the house and the church: there is so much Belpaese in the “Montréal à l’Italien” exhibition inaugurated today (March 10) at the Pointe-à-Callière museum in Montreal and promoted to turn the spotlight on the daily life of the first Italian immigrants in Montréal and on the ways in which the community evolved during the 1900s: thousands of Italians who have brought with it their traditions, their values ​​and their customs, forming one of the oldest and largest cultural communities of immigrants in Montreal where today the Italian-Canadians are almost 300 thousand. Continue reading

La “Montreal all’italiana” in mostra
Un omaggio ai primi immigrati

MONTREAL – Ci sono gli oggetti della vita di tutti i giorni, le vecchie fotografie e persino fedeli ricostruzioni di ambienti tradizionalmente italiani come il bar, la casa e la chiesa: c’è tanto Belpaese nella mostra “Montréal à l’Italien” inaugurata oggi (10 marzo) al museo Pointe-à-Callière di Montreal e promossa per accendere i riflettori sulla vita quotidiana dei primi immigrati italiani di Montréal e sui modi in cui la comunità si è evoluta nel corso del ‘900: migliaia di italiani che hanno portato con sé le loro tradizioni, i loro valori e le loro usanze, andando a formare una delle più antiche e grandi comunità culturali di immigrati a Montréal dove oggi gli italo-canadesi sono quasi 300mila. Continue reading

Mabuti at masama dulot nang Kasino puntahan

Noon ang namamahal sa Ontario ay si unang Ministro Dalton Maguinty ay nag patawag nang pag pupulong upang makipaugnayan sa mga liderato sa Pilipino-Kanadian ako’y nag punta. Ang pagsa nang usapan ay pag lalagay nang kasino sa gitna nang lunsod nang Toronto o sa “CNE” Kanadian Nasional Exsibision. Sa paguusap, sinabi ko ang aking matinding kong karanasan sa baga na Ito. Sinalaysay ko ang kabutihan at ang masamang idudulot nito sa buhay. Continue reading

In Ontario 1,185 new infected and 6 deaths

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[GTranslate]TORONTO – March 9, 2021: Canada yesterday stood at 892,601 positives for Covid-19, an increase of 3,649 more cases than in the previous 24 hours. The number of victims – nationwide – yesterday reached 22,295 total deaths, 36 more than on Monday. In Canada yesterday the number of recovered people from the coronavirus stood at 839,930. Ontario yesterday reached 311,112 overall positives, an increase of 1,185 new cases compared to Monday. The total number of victims in Ontario has meanwhile risen to 7,083, with 6 more deaths than the previous day. The number of recovered people in the province rose to 292,806, or 972 more than the previous 24 hours. There are 908 cases so far registered in Ontario of the English variant of Covid, 39 of the South African variant and 17 of the Brazilian variant. Continue reading