Psw, equal pay and increased securityMarch 8, 2021

[GTranslate]TORONTO – Health workers in the province are raising their voices and calling for higher wages and the possibility of having the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE).

Despite the fact that the pandemic has been raging for a year now, the safety of health workers is not yet guaranteed. According to the three most important unions Unifor, SEIU Healthcare and CUPE, which represent 175 thousand health workers in Ontario.  Continue reading

In Ontario 1,631 new infected and 10 deaths

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[GTranslate]TORONTO – March 8, 2021: Canada yesterday stood at 888,952 positives for Covid-19, an increase of 2,680 more cases than in the previous 24 hours. The number of victims – nationwide – yesterday reached 22,259 total deaths, 20 more than on Sunday. In Canada yesterday the number of recovered people from the coronavirus stood at 836,013. Ontario yesterday reached 309,927 overall positives, an increase of 1,631 new cases compared to Sunday. The total number of victims in Ontario has meanwhile risen to 7,077, with 10 more deaths than the previous day. The number of recovered people in the province rose to 291,834, or 994 more than the previous 24 hours. There are 879 cases so far registered in Ontario of the English variant of Covid, 39 of the South African variant and 17 of the Brazilian variant. Continue reading

Italian sculptures
in North America
with the art of Marcello Giorgi

[GTranslate]PIETRASANTA – His roots lie in the land of artists, where the mountains are made of marble and the plain is full of sculpture workshops: Pietrasanta, the Tuscan town that also hosted Michelangelo Buonarroti. Marcello Giorgi was born there, 59 years ago. But like any great artist, he is a citizen of the world. And so he lives in Montreal, his works are scattered throughout North America (and beyond) and it is there that today he transmits his knowledge to others, especially young people, teaching in schools and holding art courses. Continue reading

Corriere Canadese is in the final stages of developing a Canadian National Multilingual News Group (CNMNG).

Corriere Canadese is in the final stages of developing a Canadian National Multilingual News Group (CNMNG). This is a project made possible in part, through funding by Canadian Heritage.

It is a “proof of concept” taking advantage of the Collective Initiatives Program under Canadian Heritage and seeks to show commitment to Canadian journalism’s development aimed at Canada’s growing Multilingual sector by utilizing human resources available in the Multilingual publications. The last Census, in fact, underscores the need for such journalism in our diverse peoples’ integration process: fully 22% of Canadians speak a language other than English or French at home. Continue reading

আন্তর্জাতিক নারী দিবস উদযাপন বলতে কী বোঝায়?

মোহাম্মদ আলী বোখারী, সিএনএমএনজি নিউজ, টরন্টো

জাতিসংঘের তথ্যানুসারে, প্রতি বছর ৮ মার্চ আন্তর্জাতিক নারী দিবস উদ্যাপনের সঙ্গে বৈশ্বিকভাবে উন্নত ও অনুন্নত দেশে একটি বিশেষ মাত্রা যুক্ত হয়, যা জাতিসংঘে অনুষ্ঠিত চারটি পর্যায়ক্রমিক নারী সম্মেলন থেকে উদ্ভূত এবং রাজনৈতিক ও অর্থনৈতিক পরিমন্ডলে অংশগ্রহণ ও সমর্থনের মাধ্যমে নারীর অধিকার প্রতিষ্ঠার একটি উল্লেখযোগ্য প্রয়াস। Continue reading

What does it mean to celebrate International Women’s Day?

Muhammad Ali Bukhari, CNMNG News, Toronto

According to the UN, to celebrate March 8 as the International Women’s Day has assumed a new global dimension for women in developed and developing countries alike, which has been strengthened by four global United Nations women’s conferences, has helped make the commemoration a rallying point to build support for women’s rights and participation in the political and economic arenas. Continue reading

Vaccines the key to find the new normality

[GTranslate]TORONTO – The progress of the vaccination campaign will be decisive for the breakthrough in the fight against Covid-19. Canadians’ initial skepticism of vaccines developed in such a short time is gradually waning, replaced by growing optimism fueled by news coming from abroad. In Israel, the country that has conducted the most aggressive immunization campaign, people are slowly regaining small portions of normality that they had had to renounce since the beginning of the pandemic: in many areas of the country restaurants, cafes, schools, cultural events, tourist attractions, have resumed functioning exactly as in the pre-pandemic phase. In Israel almost 5 million people received the first dose, 3 million and 800 thousand also the recall: more than 40% of the population is “protected” from Covid. And the results can be seen: the positivity rate has fallen to 4.3% compared to 10% in January. Continue reading

Update of the Covid-19 Landscape

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[GTranslate]Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of March 8, 2021, at 1:30pm (EST).

Globally, there have been over 116 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 according to Johns Hopkins University data.  Since the start of the pandemic, over 93 million people have recovered and more than 2.5 million fatalities were attributable to the virus.

Sculture italiane in Nordamerica
con l’arte di Marcello Giorgi

PIETRASANTA – Le sue radici affondano nella terra degli artisti, dove le montagne sono fatte di marmo e la pianura pullula di laboratori di scultura: Pietrasanta, la cittadina toscana che ospitò anche Michelangelo Buonarroti. È nato lì, 59 anni fa, Marcello Giorgi (nella foto). Ma come ogni grande artista, è cittadino del mondo. E così vive a Montreal, le sue opere sono sparse in tutto il Nordamerica (e non solo) ed è lì che oggi trasmette la sua conoscenza agli altri, in particolare ai giovani, insegnando nelle scuole e tenendo corsi d’arte. Continue reading